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Thread: The beginning of the end

  1. #11
    Swims with the Fishes

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    Quote Originally Posted by skypilot View Post
    Laser guided weaponry wouldn't be the best tech in the desert(likely current CFB munitions) but no matter, we would see to it you had top of the line GPS munitions. The thing is, with those CFB jets come CFB FACs and CFB Combat Controllers. Their presence gives us the ability to find more sores to apply the salve, to whether it be your jets or other's attack helos actually doing the deed.

    etA...... Responding to Chris' post on CFB jets idle.
    iphone typing not really forum friendly for me.
    We are using US forces for that on this mission unfortunately.

    Our Jets really haven't done much though, is getting rid of them the right answer ( probably not ) but increasing the training and arms funding for local forces is a good step.

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  2. # ADS

  3. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantcatchacold View Post
    We are using US forces for that on this mission unfortunately.

    Our Jets really haven't done much though, is getting rid of them the right answer ( probably not ) but increasing the training and arms funding for local forces is a good step.

    I have more then enough to eat at home
    Last I heard, CF aircraft were primarily dealing with Iraq issues and were intergrated with us so as to refrain from using their skills/aerial assests within Syria. So you would be correct there.

    Leaving just seems like having your best friend, or your brother bailout on you in the middle of cleaning out a septic tank.

    It is your jets and I respect their removal but extend the same respect if/when we have occasion to reciprocate.

  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris lavoie View Post
    So we are there to bomb the enemies to just let them take back the same ground 2 months later?? Waste of taxes to me!!
    I can agree on that statement and that statement taken alone and with no context. However it is much more than that. It speaks to the "resolve, " or stomach for doing the necessary and is seen as such or worse.

    Putin and the world will notice a new leader's first edicts and interpret them as weakness/lack of experience and tolerance for it.

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris lavoie View Post
    Our jets in the middle East were doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! Except wasting our tax dollars. As for Russians coming. Our friends to the south would NEVER let that happen. Canada would just be the battle ground. We'll just be considered the DMZ of N. America.
    Two thoughts.
    So we should take pride in doing nothing for ourselves? Calling on the US to save us, while at the same slamming them for everything do/dont do. Next, have you forgotten that not only do we reap large benefits from their actions, financially and more..Like your lifestyle? Sounds pretty petty to me. We slam the US for everything they do, but love reaping the benefits, then let them take the heat, and when push comes to shove we.....

    We have been part of it, we helped create the problem. Is that how you want to live your life? Make a mess and then turn your back on it? Wheres the pride in that?

    And further when the US presses their "claim" in the arctic and NW passage, as they are doing...what...just bend over say, "walk all over us"?

    The most likely battle in the foreseeable future is going to be in the maritime courts of law. Where many are making their claims and they are using the fact that until now we've done nothing, haven't been bothered to protect our interest, demonstrate any interest. Why do you think others are "testing" us. And now that we've cancelled the F35s and have nothing except 'arctic rangers"on skidoos and Lee Enfields...Our air force such that it is is flying things that are old enough to be......and instead are pouring the money into some boats for the Navy in the Atlantic so JT could lock up those seats....yeah we really 'care" about protecting "our" resources and sovereign interest.

    Food for thought.

    And for safeties sake. Often say "you" without meaning "you" and could just as easily say "we".
    Last edited by JBen; October 22nd, 2015 at 01:13 PM.

  6. #15
    Has too much time on their hands

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    I read today JT cancelling of the F35s will purchase two $500 remote control drones to survey the arctic and NW passage. If necessary will equip these drones with water balloons as a distraction and send in the Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and if necessary Beavers to take full control of the situation until JT arrives for a photo shoot. We are soooo screwed !

  7. #16
    Swims with the Fishes

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    Quote Originally Posted by skypilot View Post
    Last I heard, CF aircraft were primarily dealing with Iraq issues and were intergrated with us so as to refrain from using their skills/aerial assests within Syria. So you would be correct there.

    Leaving just seems like having your best friend, or your brother bailout on you in the middle of cleaning out a septic tank.

    It is your jets and I respect their removal but extend the same respect if/when we have occasion to reciprocate.
    The U.S. Will still have our backs on arctic issues as part of our NORAD and NATO agreements. Who knows with the Russians in Syria maybe it will move that the IRAQ/Turkey air missions become NATO missions same as Afghanistan

    I have more then enough to eat at home
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  8. #17

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    Time will tell how Justin's going to handle foreign affairs. Maybe he will do much better than we think because of all us skeptics. Hopefully he proves us to be wrong!!
    I always try to look to the bright side.

    Russia is losing major support at home from it's own citizens over the Syria intervention.
    Last edited by chris lavoie; October 22nd, 2015 at 07:12 PM.

  9. #18

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    I read it the other day (Russia) that his move is not liked by the citizens. Read it on MSN.

  10. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantcatchacold View Post
    The U.S. Will still have our backs on arctic issues as part of our NORAD and NATO agreements. Who knows with the Russians in Syria maybe it will move that the IRAQ/Turkey air missions become NATO missions same as Afghanistan

    I have more then enough to eat at home
    I wonder.
    How do many countries feel about US bases in their countries these days? I'm sure, they to thought it was wonderful and the thing to do 20-40 years ago. How long before have serious problems with them?
    Quite agree that is reality, and the way we have to go. How often does letting the fox guard the chickens work out?

  11. #20
    Swims with the Fishes

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    I think it will ruffle more feathers down south in our relationship if they cancel the raptor orders. It will be an interesting few months

    I have more then enough to eat at home
    That rug really tied the room together

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