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Thread: FEDERAL NDP Platform

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    Quote Originally Posted by poltrojan View Post
    which is pretty disturbing that UN allowed Saudis to have a chair in the UN Human Rights Council
    Canada should pull out of UN long time ago; at this rate it should where dictator nation are allowed a chair in Human Rights Council
    I lost all respect for the UN and The Liberal Party of Canada after they hung Gen. DeLaire and our CF observers out to dry in Rwanda. They almost did the same thing with disasterous results during the revolution in East Timor. If we had have listened to those left wing morons,Bosnia would have been a slaughter for our people. Thank God for Gen. MacKenzie and air strikes by the US Navy. I believe our governments "arms length" approach to all things from The UN at this time,is wise and prudent,given that some key positions are being given to the very idealogy that we aare currently fighting in Syria and Iraq. Mulcair needs to think before he runs his stupid mouth.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Not union bashing, but apprentices are now pretty much controlled by the college of trades, formally Ministry of Skills Development, all responsibilities with the college of trades, take a look at who runs the college! All union organizers, soon you will have to be part of a union to be part of a trade. Work as a motor vehicle mechanic, small private shop, still have to pay union dues and follow the terms of the union bosses.
    There are those that own the means of production, the capitalists that own the factories, there are those that want to own the labour, the union bosses that want to own the entire labour force. In the past, ownership of a human was called slavery!
    Speak out for Father's rights

  4. #13

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    has anyone heard Putin's 70th UN General Assembly (2015) speech. very enlightening.

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