September 18th, 2015, 06:43 AM
I have the same fear as you bushman. Let's hope more media people are going to gain the courage to speak up.
The way I see it is that because not a single western government knows how to approach the issue hence the political correctness. It's like a damper on a ticking bomb. Sooner or later leaders of the our wester civilization will be forced to do something lets just hope it's not gonna be too late to implement changes without bloodshed.
September 18th, 2015 06:43 AM
September 18th, 2015, 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by
I have the same fear as you bushman. Let's hope more media people are going to gain the courage to speak up.
The way I see it is that because not a single western government knows how to approach the issue hence the political correctness. It's like a damper on a ticking bomb. Sooner or later leaders of the our wester civilization will be forced to do something lets just hope it's not gonna be too late to implement changes without bloodshed.
The scary part is, the western leaders will eventually become people of like mind, elected by an ever increasing population. Make no mistake, western civilization as we know it is in jeopardy !!!!
September 18th, 2015, 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by
The scary part is, the western leaders will eventually become people of like mind, elected by an ever increasing population. Make no mistake, western civilization as we know it is in jeopardy !!!!
It's too late. Nearly 1/3 of the world's population follows some form of Islam. And they are attracting, recruiting and breeding new followers at a phenomenal rate. Our Christian-born, Industrial Revolution reformed western way of life is already in its death throes.
September 18th, 2015, 10:11 AM
I'm moving to Texas then...
September 18th, 2015, 11:14 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
I'm moving to Texas then...
Alaska or Wyoming. Gun laws are even more lenient, taxes are the lowest in the US and hunting is better.
The wilderness is not a stadium where I satisfy my ambition to achieve, it is the cathedral where I worship.
September 18th, 2015, 03:28 PM
Couldnt do Texas as the heat would kill me, lol, I dispise ontario summers enough so I couldnt imagine 115degrees, wyoming , montana would be about perfect and while I always dreamed of Alaska and I do love winter I think too much of a good thing could come into play.
September 18th, 2015, 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by
She's correct - time for "political correctness" to be scrapped!
I completely agree. I got a consent form from the local health unit regarding permission slips for hepatitis and meningitis vaccines for my daughter. On the form, we are to check off gender, four options, "male, female, other and undetermined". What kind of world is this? There are only two medical options here, not other or undetermined.
Learn all you can about nature. What we don't understand, we fear and what we fear, we destroy.
Teach a young person to hunt and fish, after all, someone taught you.
September 18th, 2015, 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by
Hunter John
Couldnt do Texas as the heat would kill me, lol, I dispise ontario summers enough so I couldnt imagine 115degrees, wyoming , montana would be about perfect and while I always dreamed of Alaska and I do love winter I think too much of a good thing could come into play.
My Choices would be;
1. Alberta or B.C. (remote or small towns.) near or in the Rockies
2. Montana
3. Alaska.... *sigh 22 hour darkness*
September 18th, 2015, 10:48 PM
Nothern Alberta,BC or The Yukon for this guy. Political correctness goes into the dumper real quick at -40C or if a Griz is checking you out for dinner.LOL
September 19th, 2015, 11:06 AM