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Thread: What's your thoughts on this - inverter question

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default What's your thoughts on this - inverter question

    If I hook a 12v dc to 120v ac inverter to a 12 volt battery but have nothing connected to the inverter - will the battery eventually be discharged - thanks

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Leads by example

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    Yes but it shouldn't happen quickly.
    The inverter draws some power itself.

    Living proof that "beer builds better bellies".

  4. #3
    Has too much time on their hands

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    ^^^^^ he's right
    Member of the OFAH, CCFR/CCDAF.

  5. #4
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    All depending on the size of the inverter, they have an idle state current which can be a hog. Better off to disconnect it while it's not in use. I've got a big inline switch on the battery side on mine.

  6. #5
    Loyal Member

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    Some of the larger/more expensive inverters give you the option of a remote switch. 12v switch triggers a relay to turn the unit on. If the switch is off there is no draw.

  7. #6
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by northernontario View Post

    Some of the larger/more expensive inverters give you the option of a remote switch. 12v switch triggers a relay to turn the unit on. If the switch is off there is no draw.
    Nope, wrong answer, Mine still has a parasitic draw whether it's in the remote/off/on position. The only way to get it completely off is to put a switch on one of the 12VDC input wires from the battery.

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