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Thread: God help us

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default God help us

    Based on this poling, HArper wouldn't even make the Official Opposition. Now tracking in last place.

    Wynne in Queen's Park, Mulcair in Ottawa, and Notley in Alberta. Prepare for the worst. This is going to get real bad.
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Loyal Member

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    Quote Originally Posted by terrym View Post
    Based on this poling, HArper wouldn't even make the Official Opposition. Now tracking in last place.

    Wynne in Queen's Park, Mulcair in Ottawa, and Notley in Alberta. Prepare for the worst. This is going to get real bad.
    Let us hope and pray that things change.

    It it will be an uphill battle though. With Tom and Justin fabricating bullshyte daily and the media and unions doing their best to help defeat Harper I fear the outcome!!

  4. #3
    Just starting out

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    i dont trust the polls one bit , that one has liberals winning ontario , have they not learned a hard lesson because of wynne

  5. #4

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    I'm hoping that Alberta realized the horrors of voting in the NDP; oil and gas workers are not happy.
    I'm hoping that Ontario realized the of liberals so far and now with absolute majority; will wreak havoc.
    I'm hoping that Quebec realized the ineffectiveness of NDP in the past 4 years in their province.

    choose the lesser evil of the 4.

  6. #5
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    Quebec is going to vote NDP like we have never seen. Mulcair panders to and lives off them. As for the question about Ontario being stupid enough to vote Liberal? Absolutely. They gave Wynne a majority. Crime theft and incompetence is endorsed in Ontario. The absolute best I see for Harper is opposition but I wouldn't even put money on that. NDP has the positive momentum and CPC is losing ground every week. Prepare for socialists in Ottawa and crooks in Queen's Park. I have recently sold my BAR deer rifle while it still had value. Now I wish I hadn't bought a Benelli semi 12g last year. I can see that being confiscated in this next mandate.
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mosquito View Post

    Those that are happy are:
    CBC must be cheering with the promises of $100,000,000+ of additional funding.
    Unions must be happy they won't be made accountable and have to disclose how they spend their loot.
    Jons and Pimps must be happy that C-36 will be rolled back.
    Banks will be happy that all those tax cuts will be rolled back so people can't pay back their debts and mortgages early.
    Civil servants must be happy there will be thousands more of them if the left wins and more hired for the flood of refugees and flood of unemployed as companies leave.
    Crooked Indian chiefs must be happy they will roll back the accountability bill
    Abortion clinics must be happy they can continue to kill the unborn without any legislation to protect the child and the mother right up until the baby is fully out (and even then there are cases of abortions where the baby is born alive and they can kill it), pro-life candidates cannot even run for the left parties.
    Ant-gun people are happy at the idea of the "reclassification" and "tracking" of firearms
    People that don't like one income traditional families are happy at the roll back of the family income splitting.
    Those that think gov't should dictate how we live are happy at these polls too.
    The "Greenies" that think cars and fossil fuels should be banned and carbon taxes implemented to help get rid of the black stuff.

    Those that are unhappy though are:
    Working people are unhappy at the idea of extra taxes, the extra corruption and wasteful spending
    Gunowners at more legislation and "australian policies" * maybe I should look for a deal on a bow and arrow or crossbow .... if they allow those when they are done.... given the UK maybe sales on shorter kitchen knives too.
    Anyone that would like to see some protection for the unborn and the mother in atleast late term or gender based abortions.
    People on reserves and in Unions that won't know how and where the money is spent.
    Families where someone is staying home to take care of kids or an elderly family member.
    Anyone that thinks it is their decision how they spend their money or save for retirement
    Anyone retiring or getting a lump sum that they wanted to use their TFSA or that wanted to use the TFSA instead of having to pay taxes when they took money out of their RRSP

    Just remember to talk to your friends about what the implications would be of a Liberal or NDP win and get out and vote.
    Bang on again mosquito!!!!! Oh lord please help us? Please save us from ineptitude, if at all possible!!!

  8. #7
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by terrym View Post
    Based on this poling, HArper wouldn't even make the Official Opposition. Now tracking in last place.

    Wynne in Queen's Park, Mulcair in Ottawa, and Notley in Alberta. Prepare for the worst. This is going to get real bad.
    You know how when You go to Cuba they take you on a tour bus into town and You see the indigenous people. Well, now you is going to be one

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