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Thread: Nunavut Adventures

  1. #11
    Getting the hang of it

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    The hunting isn't quite as I expected up here. I hope to get out more but as of Jan 1rst they have banned caribou hunting on Baffin Island due to the herd has decreased 95% since the 1990's. Good that they put a ban on it though till it can improve. I would have to fly to main land for caribou or muskox hunting. Waterfowl hunting is suppose to be decent her and so it ptarmigan hunting. If I choose to hunt wolves or arctic hare I'll need to get permission from the hunting and trapping association before I can purchase a license.

    Extremely hard to get polar bear tags if your not an inuit. Don't believe the lies though that there are very few polar bears. Tons of them. Hunters in the fall were seeing just as many polar bears as caribou.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Getting the hang of it

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oddmott View Post
    Great pics Provider, thanks for the share.

    My wife and I had considered going far north with our young family for a couple years as well. I knew what it would entail, but i'm not sure the bride truly grasped what a culture and life change it would be.

    While i'm a little sad for my own sense of adventure and lost hunting & exploring opportunities... i'm overall glad we didn't do it. It can be a very hard life, and like you're experiencing cost of living + frustrating employment fluctuation + weak family geared infrastructure was enough to scare me off.

    I definitely hope things work out for you and you continue to enjoy your time up there.

    If you think BC was expensive... I wouldn't really consider moving to ON. Overall it's still a good province to live and work in... but it's trending downward. Costs of living are increasing much higher/faster than they should for a land-of-plenty, and there has been no improvement in the near-record high unemployment rate for 3 years.

    Its a very different culture. Alcohol and drug abuse is pretty extreme. Still lots of hate and racism towards "white people." Housing and food is expensive. Were paying over $3000 a month for rent. Luckily with my job I am allowed to fly in so much food a month for free so that helps a lot for the grocery bill.

    BC is still way more expensive than Ontario in certain areas. Specially if you consider vehicle insurance which is privatised in BC and medical. I know the Ottawa area is exploding though just like the lower main land in BC. I was surprised to see how much prices have went up in Ontario since I moved 7yrs ago. My wife's home town in BC your looking at $500- $600 000 for no acreage and a fixer upper home. Jobs will probably be the outcome to where we move. Either place we'll be looking at more rural areas than not. I would be happy in both places. Plus I have family in both places so that helps us. I want my kids to know their cousins and grand parents.

  4. #13
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Well if Ottawa is your choice move outside the city limits, lots of place under 250K with land if your willing to commute. Not a lot of hunting on Crown unless your willing to drive for an hour or so north. It is a great city, but like all cities..everything is going up.
    Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party

  5. #14
    Getting the hang of it

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    Ocean in June

    Kids Char fishing.

  6. #15
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Lol,I'm selling my 51 acre farm outside of Windsor next year. Excellent hunting for ducks,geese,Wild Turkey and deer.

  7. #16
    Getting the hang of it

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    Nee a while since I have checked in here. Looks like I have some updating to do! Been crazy busy.

    Once the bay opened up wind pushed in old ice from ice bergs that blocked the bay and stopped the sea lift boats from unloading for quite a few days. A couple pieces of ice chunks.

    Been on a few hiking adventures and had some good finds as well.

  8. #17
    Getting the hang of it

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    Will update this over the coming days before I head back to work

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