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Thread: federal debate

  1. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by werner.reiche View Post
    You're more than a little naïve about politics if you believe that the government decision to dump the money they did into Petawawa was a random one. Federal money gets spent in particular ridings for a reason.
    Who said anything about random?

    Canada needed its largest base to be A) closer to Ottawa and B) capable of expansive growth. Of all the ON & QC bases, only Petawawa fit the bill. Kingston is too built up & too close to the US border. Same goes for Montreal.

    Federal money went to CFB Petawawa because it filled all their needs, immediately. The fact you honestly believe that the Member of Parliament Harper has muzzled numerous times, hung out to dry twice, and trusted her with cabinet authority NEVER... was responsible for Defense spending, is laughable.
    Roosted ain't Roasted.

  2. # ADS

  3. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by standup View Post
    Now i'm sure to come, just out of spite.
    Roosted ain't Roasted.

  4. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by werner.reiche View Post

    What keeps Gallant out of cabinet is here nature to say what's on her mind, not what's politically correct - another character trait valley people see as being positive.

    For a guy that grew up in the valley, you seem out of touch with the people up there.
    I know how plenty of valley folks feel, i'm not baffled about why a majority votes conservative, i'm baffled as to why they don't demand someone better to represent conservatives. The pro-gun sentiment is not Gallant's alone, it was the Conservative party line. It's not like any other Conservative candidate would be anti-gun.

    There's a difference between speaking out in a non-politically correct sense... and just plain old speaking out stupidly - as she has done time and time and time again.
    As far as I was taught, it is not Christian to yell "FAG" across the commons at colleagues - "Judge not..."
    It is not Christian to lie, yet she has done so time and time again and been forced to rescind such comments and make apologies for them... "thou shalt not bear false witness..."
    Roosted ain't Roasted.

  5. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oddmott View Post
    Now i'm sure to come, just out of spite.
    Renfrew County voters, jobless and living off government tilt, wow.

    Don't think you should repeat that , out loud if and when you do move. And be prepared to duck if you do. The valley folks wouldn't take to kind to those words.

    Kind of wondering why you would want to move a place, where you insinuate, they don't work and collect government handouts!!!????

  6. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by bushman View Post
    Renfrew County voters, jobless and living off government tilt, wow.

    Don't think you should repeat that , out loud if and when you do move. And be prepared to duck if you do. The valley folks wouldn't take to kind to those words.

    Kind of wondering why you would want to move a place, where you insinuate, they don't work and collect government handouts!!!????
    I grew up there, worked construction & factory labour & seasonal jobs just like many, many others. Collected the unemployment just like many, many others.

    Anyone tries to claim it isn't a fact of valley life, is either clueless, or lying. It's not about the people. Offer most of them a secure, full time, year round job and they're going to jump at the chance. It's about the MPs & MPPs they vote in that have been failing them ever since the recession of the 80s.
    Roosted ain't Roasted.

  7. #76
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    I might suggest M, that while definitely under the umbrella of the feds, if that is your issue ( lack of effort on the part of MPs and govt creating jobs)

    That's more the provincial govt's domain, and while lots might be said about N and S Ontario. The past 15 years have been anything but "fair" or even kind to rural Ontario.

    Put the bullseye where it belongs.

  8. #77
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    Not only did Renfrew county get the manufacturing sector problems the rest of the province did, but also the mad cow scare knocked the crap out of beef prices for 10+ years hurting the agricultural sector and the forestry sector, once the cornerstone of the economy is pretty well dead.

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