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Thread: Federal voting intentions- Latest poll

  1. #21
    Member for Life

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    Exactly Trimmer.

    Anyone can spin near anything. If life has taught me anything, it's the world is rarely back or white, normally a shade of grey. The "truth" being somewhere in the middle. Sometimes more black than pure grey or more white, but shades.

    The hypocrisy and contradictions of "harper haters" yet Prov Liberal supporters, is what most people don't understand.
    Name a popular topic, be it enviromental, be it "political process" be it vote buying, be it XYZ.

    Be consistent. It defies logic to say hate Harper for "undermining democracy" (perfectly ok, that's understandable) yet not be equally or more so bothered by what's occurred here in Ont. Harper has nothing on Wynne or the provincial Liberals. You can't suck and blow at the same time.

    That is the point.
    Last edited by JBen; July 27th, 2015 at 05:58 AM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #22
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    You can if your a lieberl Jben. Hypocrisy and democracy are two words they fail to grasp the true meaning of.

  4. #23
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    In all honesty Bushman, not "all" who are staunch supporters of them are this or that.

    Yes, the writing was on the wall many years ago. Their vote buying, catering to Unions/PS (evidenced in the years 2003-2010 by the insane growth, and continues today to a much lesser extent) was brutally obvious as was the motivation for it. Couple that with early scandals/waste...........

    There are reasons they had to hire Drummond to tell them what was wrong, and how to try and fix it, stop the bleeding in 2010.

    The deeper they dug the holes, the worse various things became. It's not rocket science. As a result today, many people,you know the "common" man is taking it hard on the chin. Steep prices are being paid, numerous ways.

    Some may think I hate Liberals, or PS. They'd be wrong, however I don't much care what others think. What I "hate", is what this crew and those who blindly vote for them have done to the prov, but more so the "common" person.

    Gee and I though "liberals" we're the ones with a social conscious.

    That said. Federally, I can/do understand why many "hate" Harper. Agree with some of the "points", don't others, but credit why people "hate" him.

    The contradiction if you though. If a person "hates" Harper, it defies logic that the same person could remotely support/defend/whatever the provincial liberals here.
    Last edited by JBen; July 27th, 2015 at 07:56 AM.

  5. #24
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    I agree Jben, they are not all what I said. And you make some valid points. There are a lot of people both blue and red, that will never change their political stripes, irregardless of what a party does, good or bad. I am not afraid to admit I lean towards blue policies and principles. However I can guarantee you I would never vote for Wynne or her platform even if she was a conservative. She lives in her own little fantasy world, one that I absolutely despise along with her and her cronies.

  6. #25
    Needs a new keyboard

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    I like bushman :-)

  7. #26
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    Im a "centrist" Bushman.

    Whether I lean to the L or the R, usually depends on the "times". There's a time and place for everything.

    For most of our lives (those of us that have been around a few decades).
    Look back, federally and provincially. I cant name but two eras/admins where I thought who was at the wheel made any kind of significant difference at all.

    Has anyone ever made life so much, or significantly better for us? Nope.
    Has anyone ever made life significantly worse for us? Yep, I can name two.

    So for the most part, over the past 60 years L or R. It really hasn't mattered much.

    Except when they blow up but good.
    Bob Rae and McWynne
    Last edited by JBen; July 28th, 2015 at 10:46 AM.

  8. #27
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    It's our responsibilty when someone or a party "blows up real good" that we NEVER give them the opportunity to do it,again. Fool me once,shame on you. Fool me twice,shame on me.

  9. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by trimmer21 View Post
    It's our responsibilty when someone or a party "blows up real good" that we NEVER give them the opportunity to do it,again. Fool me once,shame on you. Fool me twice,shame on me.
    Well. Lot's of shame in Ontario. They gave an incompetent government who doubled the debt and under multiple police investigations s majority last time.
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

  10. #29
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    Here's the thing terry/trimmer.

    "Everyone" regardless of leaning, and even those that dislike politics, all agree and bemoan. Politicians are never held accountable. It's on us and only us. See also civic responsibility.

    Why do they do the things they do.
    We let them and each time we send s message. Go ahead.

    So somewhere down the road, if/when someone else comes along. The back lash here im thinking is inevitable now and with what's before us, it's inly going get worse.
    So let's say the cons come in and the pendulum swings the other way trying to fix the mess and......

    What have they learned about the past 10 years?

    That ontarians don't much care.
    No one to blame but...
    Last edited by JBen; July 28th, 2015 at 01:47 PM.

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