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Thread: Eating off the land

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Eating off the land

    I just started cooking my afternoon meal - then I realize that everything I'm going to eat came off my land - I'm slow cooking a deer steak smothered with onions, green peppers and some garlic - going to have some summer squash, broccoli and potatoes with it - then I'll finish up with some yogurt and blueberries - everything but the yogurt came from my yard - the green peppers were frozen last year but everything else is fresh from the garden - boy I love this time of the year as far as it concerns eating fresh stuff - no matter how small of a place you have you should plant a garden - my corn will be ready in about two weeks - I've already have had ripe tomatoes and when it stops raining I'll be picking green beans - your not suppose to touch bean plants when they are wet so you don't spread any disease -

    I'm starting seeds for plants that I'll be planting in the fall -

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Borderline Spammer

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    Congrats ... nothing better than the "I did it myself feeling"!

  4. #3
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Good for you!

    The power was out at work today from 10am to 2pm, so I went behind work to find mushroom (couple pounds of chanterelle), then I have some garlic scapes in the fridge from my little garden and two nice fillet of walleye that I caught Monday night. Add to that some rice and life is good....

  5. #4
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Isn't that a great feeling?!

    I used to raise chickens, ducks, geese, pheasants, had huge vegetable and fruit gardens... Often we ate meals entirely from our farm except for butter, salt, pepper.
    Member of the National Firearms Association (NFA).

  6. #5
    Member for Life

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    What part of Penn are you in? Big variation in zones...
    my wife makes her own yogurt but our tomatoes are a lont way from fruit yet. Last year we picked red maters from Oct til the end of November from plats we had moved to our basement. None while they were outside...
    Just have to be satisfied with bush beef and fish from nearby lakes....

  7. #6
    Member for Life

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    I live near Kempton Pa. not too far from Cabela's in Hamburg Pa. along the base of the Blue Mountain - I'm in zone 6 - when my wife was alive she always made yogurt - she also canned a lot of stuff - including cherries which we would eat with the yogurt - man that was good - I guess there are advantages of living in a more temperate climate where you can grow more fruit and vegetables - I'm thinking of getting a juicer so I can make juice from the extra fruits and vet's I get - I also make my own bread - sourdough rye and other kinds - also have chickens - so I keep pretty busy with the things I get into - then every once in awhile I take a break and head up to Ontario and go fishing - I don't hunt up there because there are plenty of deer right here where I live -

    It's something how some people don't know what to do with themselves - I'm always busy doing something - as soon as things dry up somewhat I gotta get busy getting more firewood - so far I only have about 2 and a half cords stacked but I need around 5 cords for the coming winter - because of my age I can't do the things as I use to but I keep trying - the one big difference is that I don't have the stamina that I once had - at one time I could work from sun up to sun down - can't do that anymore - today I got to cut the grass

  8. #7

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    Its all pretty simple eh? Moose burgers on the grill for me tonite from last fall with fresh tomato and kale salad from the backyard and a glass of wine on a beatiful evening. Cheers you all. Life is really not that bad is it?

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