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Thread: Road Trip (Maine & Mass) - sights & activity suggestions?

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Road Trip (Maine & Mass) - sights & activity suggestions?

    Heading down to Boston, along the coast, for a few days in July.

    Planning to hit Hampton beach, Salem (witch hunt stuff) and then spend a couple days in Boston.

    Anything we should definitely check out? We plan to tour Harvard, see the tea party ships, eat seafood, and hit some good Irish pubs. Hoping to pack in a bit more to our 4 days.
    Roosted ain't Roasted.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Loyal Member

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    Did a school trip there 30+ years ago, but still remember lots, had a great time in Boston. You may want to try the walk on the "Freedom Trail" it goes in and around the historic sites of the city and is marked with a painted red line on the sidewalk so you can't get lost(unless you stop at too many Irish pubs-if there is such a thing). Have a great trip.

    FYI - the bees are doing amazing…they like their new home and all the wild flowers of the area.

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