Well leaving work yesterday I came across a young snapper in the middle of a very busy intersection in the industrial section of Sarnia. I got turned around and parked and was really surprised to see all the transport trucks that went around it and didn't just run it over. As I stood there traffic came to a stop and allowed me to run out and grab it. I put it in the back of the truck and took it to the nearest wetland and let it go, hopefully to live a long life and not become a speed bump. I was really surprised how clean it was, no moss or growth on its shell at all.
Well leaving work yesterday I came across a young snapper in the middle of a very busy intersection in the industrial section of Sarnia. I got turned around and parked and was really surprised to see all the transport trucks that went around it and didn't just run it over. As I stood there traffic came to a stop and allowed me to run out and grab it. I put it in the back of the truck and took it to the nearest wetland and let it go, hopefully to live a long life and not become a speed bump. I was really surprised how clean it was, no moss or growth on its shell at all.
The reason it was so clean was probably from all the chemicals in the air from the industrial park ,chemical valley. Good on you for saving another one !
" We are more than our gender, skin color, class, sexuality or age; we are unlimited potential, and can not be defined by one label." quote A. Bartlett
I stopped in a parking lot driveway so I was off the roadway and I stood in the gravel and a few cars seen the turtle and stopped at the intersection lights and allowed me to grab it with no fear of getting hit. Also in a 50 km zone with lots of industrial plant driveways so the speed is very conservative due to the trucks turning and the large potholes that line this stretch would break your vehicle in half if you were speeding here. I remember that accident and feel for the lady but in no way would I put an animals life before a persons.
I stopped in a parking lot driveway so I was off the roadway and I stood in the gravel and a few cars seen the turtle and stopped at the intersection lights and allowed me to grab it with no fear of getting hit. Also in a 50 km zone with lots of industrial plant driveways so the speed is very conservative due to the trucks turning and the large potholes that line this stretch would break your vehicle in half if you were speeding here. I remember that accident and feel for the lady but in no way would I put an animals life before a persons.
I knew you'd be careful ; just making a general comment.
Apparently it is better to hit an animal ( deer etc.) right on, then swerve.
When I was in NB I couldn't believe all the signs/safety measures erected to protect the driver from moose crossing. Still many an accident involving moose there.
(Off-topic I know, but It is still pouring and I'm bored. )
" We are more than our gender, skin color, class, sexuality or age; we are unlimited potential, and can not be defined by one label." quote A. Bartlett
The rain has finally stopped here. But will take some time to dry up.
I wont swerve to miss an animal if i am not sure of my suroundings but if i can go around something saftly i will. I just cant kill something that i am not going to eat or if its not hurting something. As for reporting of turtle sightings i would be spending the day doing it as the ponds on my property are full of them all sizes mix of painted and snapper and also a blanding a few yrs ago. Also see the odd one in the creek across the road now and again.