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Thread: Levin gets 3 years

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    My bet is he goes to a cushy "Club Fed",does zero hard time and with triple time for "time served",good behavior and every other credit his Liberal pals can scrape off the bottom of their collective sandals,he's out in under 12 months. I will also absolutely bet that the media will bury this deeper than bubba's...................well,let's not go there,OK? LOL

  2. # ADS

  3. #12

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    Default Levin gets 3 years

    Unfortunately with his sentence being 3 years he will do it at the federal level which will likely result in him doing a third of it and then parole. He will go to a general jail for evaluation and likely be assigned to a lower risk prison. If he had of gotten a sentence lower than two year his time would have actually been a bit harder at the provincial level.

    There is no sentence fitting.

    My heart goes out to the victims and their families that will deal with this well beyond 3 years of his sentence. I have a hard time believing this is something they will ever forget.

    I also can't help but think if the cop who's job it is to work in this capacity to catch these people. I know they get paid well but I couldn't stomach it. I had the opportunity to speak to the officer in this case and while he wouldn't speak of the specifics as it was still before the courts he did tell me of cases like it and what they did. I have seen some bad things and have the stomach to gut any animal out there but hearing what they see, hear, and do to catch these people had my heart pounding out of my chest. The sounds and images that must be burnt into their brains. No where near the actual victims but still bad.

  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mdiddi View Post
    Unfortunately with his sentence being 3 years he will do it at the federal level which will likely result in him doing a third of it and then parole. He will go to a general jail for evaluation and likely be assigned to a lower risk prison. If he had of gotten a sentence lower than two year his time would have actually been a bit harder at the provincial level.

    There is no sentence fitting.

    My heart goes out to the victims and their families that will deal with this well beyond 3 years of his sentence. I have a hard time believing this is something they will ever forget.

    I also can't help but think if the cop who's job it is to work in this capacity to catch these people. I know they get paid well but I couldn't stomach it. I had the opportunity to speak to the officer in this case and while he wouldn't speak of the specifics as it was still before the courts he did tell me of cases like it and what they did. I have seen some bad things and have the stomach to gut any animal out there but hearing what they see, hear, and do to catch these people had my heart pounding out of my chest. The sounds and images that must be burnt into their brains. No where near the actual victims but still bad.
    I've very briefly seen some of the stuff the perv squad deal with on a day-to-day basis. I'll never understand how they handle it. I do know that the burn out rate is high and de-briefing can be a long and tedious process for some folks. God bless'em,every one of them.

  5. #14

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    I have done several joint projects with Project P. Here is a link to a talk given by the Sgt. in charge. Gives you a little insight into some of the difficulties they encounter as well as the scope of the problem.
    Last edited by Angus; May 30th, 2015 at 06:42 AM.

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