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Thread: New (old) "joke" by idiots that has injured people - Drano bombs.

  1. #1
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Exclamation New (old) "joke" by idiots that has injured people - Drano bombs.

    I often pickup garbage when out for a walk in the park or woods and someone I know sent this and thought I would pass it on.

    From the article

    A "Works" Bomb is Drain-o and Tin Foil, mixed together inside of a bottle. The chemical reaction between the Drain-o and the Tin Foil makes a volatile build up of gases and subsequently detonates the bottle with a great amount of force. Once the detonation occurs, the chemical substance that is in the bottle is actually boiling liquid.

    The amount of force that is generated at the time of the explosion is enough to severe fingers and also deliver 2nd and
    3rd degree chemical burns to the victim. The chemicals can possibly cause blindness and the toxic fumes can be harmful.

    **SAFETY**SAFETY**SAFETY***..........When you are out and about in your yards, please be mindful of these devices. If your picking up your morning paper, or mowing your grass, or if you let your children out to play; whatever your activities are, please use the following precautions.

    1) If you find a soda bottle or any other bottles, examine it carefully before you touch it or get near it. If it shows signs of swelling, or melting in any way, DO NOT TOUCH IT! Call 911 and let us respond to take care of it.

    2) If you find a soda bottle that has any liquid in it, DO NOT TOUCH IT! Call 911 and let us respond to check it / dispose of it.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Member for Life

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    "If you find a soda bottle that has any liquid in it do not touch it"

    ^^^I will call 911 next time I'm at the convenience store.
    How is it one careless cigarette can cause a forest fire, but it takes a whole box of matches to light a campfire?

  4. #3
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by oaknut View Post
    "If you find a soda bottle that has any liquid in it do not touch it"

    ^^^I will call 911 next time I'm at the convenience store.

    Always a nut out there.... if it only partially full and has aluminum in it.... go ahead, there were 5 injured in Toronto a few months ago by one.

    Here... see what happens to Frosty when it goes off and imagine someone picking up some trash in the bush, in their yard etc. and remember it is spraying drano around too that could burn skin or eyes.

    The slow mo one was pretty good blowing up watermelons...

    Both the explosion and the drano have produce injuries and I assume there are atleast 1 or 2 others that will stick a plastic bag in their pocket when hiking or fishing and pick up some of the trash some loser or idiot left behind so it seemed like a good idea to put out a warning because it would be pretty easy to set it up as a booby trap.

    Bottle bomb explodes in woman's hand at Howarth Park
    "suffered cuts to her face and neck and injuries to her right hand, including a broken finger,"
    Last edited by mosquito; May 22nd, 2015 at 08:30 PM.

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