May 12th, 2015, 02:12 PM
Google Maps
Took a trip on google maps back to where I was stationed in the Army back in the early 50s - Fort Totten NY - still recognized the place although it is no longer an Army installation but a park - also visited the battery that I was stationed for a time located below College Point NY - that place is now some kind of recreation area because you can see a ball diamond there - could also see the sharp 90 degree turn on the road that ran along the Flushing Airport - it looks like the airport is no longer there - that reminds me of a story -
When I first got to this battery the guys told me that the pile of big rocks at the sharp 90 degree turn was called Tawilickers (?) rocks because some guy that was stationed at this battery was drunk and crashed into the rock pile twice while stationed there - in the afternoons we would play softball - there were different teams made up from the different units at the battery - while we did this the sergeants would drink and play cards in one of the huts - this one afternoon while we're playing ball we see Sgt. Celahowski (?) driving his Ford toward Flushing to get more booze - after about 20 min we see Celahowski driving along the straight away heading towards Tawillickers rocks - CRASH - he plots into the rocks - we all run over there figures that the Sgt was killed because of the way the car looked - but he was ok - probably so drunk that he rolled with the crash - anyway after that the battery commander Louis R Wells ordered no more drinking during duty hours - that lasted about a week and the sergeants were back at it again - my google trip brought back some memories - I'll have to take more trips like that -
May 12th, 2015 02:12 PM
May 13th, 2015, 07:15 AM
Always nice to return to fond memories....Back in the days of paper maps I collected quite a few. When I bring them out now things have often moved around quite a bit. The portages seem to be shorter on the maps than they were in real life....