April 23rd, 2015, 08:10 AM
April 23rd, 2015 08:10 AM
April 23rd, 2015, 08:35 AM
The left are like kids throwing tantrums, usually make about as much sense. They are dumping on Harper because the Global economy collapsed with a large part of the reason being American subprime paper, yup Harper's fault. They are dumping on him because during this meltdown we ran deficits ( as every other free world country did ) yet they tried to overthrow the government because they said we weren't spending "enough"? So if they were in power we would likely have double the debt accrued. Then they criticize Harper because the price of oil has tanked? Again , like Harper is responsible for the world price of crude? They criticize Harper for using oil which is the most in demand natural resource on the planet at this time as a key plank of his fiscal and economic strategy? Should we just not exploit our natural resources and hand over even more power to the middle East? To reduce our output will reduce world supply and raise prices globally and benefit Saudi Princes who finance world terror and Putin who is a grenade with a rusty pin. I have said it often but will repeat myself. There should be an exam before people get the right to vote. Clearly many don't have a clue about the repercussions of how they vote.
Last edited by terrym; April 23rd, 2015 at 08:38 AM.
I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.
April 23rd, 2015, 08:44 AM
That much is politics Terry, that's their job.
What's telling though and worrying is left (and this includes left/far left populace) seems incapable of looking beyond today or some other things. Harper isn't perfect and there are some things the jury will be out on for some time. And he has his edges ( he can be abrasive). So what, aren't all great leaders that way?
No offense to ITD but I can still recall the days he would rip Harper because he wasn't "nice", wasn't a politician.
Well I wonder now that ISIS is on the stage and Putin…..If a wishy washy gutless spineless politician like JT is whats needed there.
If the shote hits the fan sometime in the next 3 years.
Anyone want JT at the helm or JT/Angry Tom?
Looking at the economic/fiscal record of the past 8 years. Again not perfect, room for improvement but seriously when so many places everywhere….
Then we have Boomers. In the next 10yrs or so, they will be leaving the workforce en masses, creating all kinds of skill and work shortages in the workforce……and putting ridiculous strains on things.(See Ms Wynne's record on Healthcare)
Youth today?
There are job shortages these 8 years later (thanks Liberals), kids leaving Uni with debt up to their eyeballs and accepting whatever they can find with worthless pedigrees.
/good job Liberals
Yep, lets just hammer the middle class now more, don't worry, be happy
and on
and on
and on
Last edited by JBen; April 23rd, 2015 at 08:49 AM.
April 23rd, 2015, 08:50 AM
Well, anything you may think you have gained in the Federal budget will be clawed back today by Wynne in hers no doubt. As long as those crooked buffoons run Ontario we are best to bury our money somewhere. She didn't wait until Harper's budget was out because they are really busy in Queen's park. They needed to know how much they could steal back.
I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.
April 23rd, 2015, 09:36 AM
I guess its inevitable comparisons are made and they are "fair" to an extent.
In different times, different climes I'm probably more L than R. I am a centrist. With respect to the coming election.
Just look at how unsteady the world is. This issue alone should make it real easy for voters to decide. If thats not enough take 10 minutes and look 5-10years down the road and whats coming…..and if thats not enough look at the middle class ad try to think about why its shrinking…..and if thats not enough….look at how Canada has fared compared versus so many the past 8 years….and if thats not enough...
A day will come imo when Canada might put Harpers face on the $100 bill and revere him.
April 23rd, 2015, 01:35 PM
Try to wrap your head around this. I know this is a provincial thing so let's not too much. Rather look at it only as being illustrative of the problems in a broad brush stroke kind of way…and this is just one wee part of the over all, bigger cost of Govt.
Not only are the "numbers" staggering, the desire to do more, be better despite ranking as among the worst in NA is nil, zero.Then again, when your not profit driven, when your not under any pressure to be good or even competitive….. They actually try to justify it
Say boo about it, even hint at trying to change and you know what happens…the Unions get in the way, the left spin doctors and champions go "bat ship crazy" and scream armegeddon.Or your labelled a "hater".
We have basically two (without splitting hairs) ideologies.
1) Try to do something..Those evil sometimes/usually fiscally responsible Con parties
2) tax more, let the budget take care of itself Liberal dogma
this is insane, and its no wonder governments have and are so expensive and the middle class is getting hammered paying for it all
Last edited by JBen; April 23rd, 2015 at 02:12 PM.
April 23rd, 2015, 02:00 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
Try to wrap your head around this. I know this is a provincial thing so let's not too much. Rather look at it only as being illustrative of the problems in a broad brush stroke kind of way…and this is just one wee part of the over all, bigger cost of Govt.
Not only are the "numbers" staggering, the desire to do more, be better despite ranking as among the worst in NA is nil, zero.Then again, when your not profit driven, when your not under any pressure to be good or even competitive….. They actually try to justify it
Say boo about it, even hint at trying to change and you know what happens…the Unions get in the way, the left spin doctors and champions go "bat ship crazy" and scream armegeddon.Or your labelled a "hater".
We have basically two (without splitting hairs) ideologies.
1) Try to do something..Those evil sometimes/usually fiscally responsible Con parties
2) tax more, let the budget take care of itself Liberal dogma
this is insane, and its no wonder governments are so !@#$%^&* expensive and the middle class is getting hammered paying for it all
"Hydro One employees only put up 28 per cent of their pension contribution."
"About 12,500 employees from OPG and Hydro One made the list, up nearly 1,000 over 2013,"
Almost as bad as what the MP's had until the Conservatives changed it recently.
The OLD way
"For every dollar that MPs or senators contribute to their pension, taxpayers pony up $23.30, according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation "
Under the Conservative changes, retirement is no longer an option at 55 and is increased to 67 and the contributions changed,
"bringing parliamentarians’ contributions up to a 50-50 split between the government and the individual MP."