April 17th, 2015, 09:31 AM
What would happen if...?
What would happen if the Ontario Teacher's Union purchased a share of Hydro? Then the other Ontario unions followed suit? Potentially power generation could be in the hands of unions and left wing groups that would push further toward green energy.
I think it is time I considered installing wood heat and got back to cutting my own firewood...
There is room for all God's creatures - right next to the mashed potatoes!
April 17th, 2015 09:31 AM
April 17th, 2015, 09:58 AM
I am sure it has been discussed . But regardless the outcome will look like this.
April 17th, 2015, 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by
What would happen if the Ontario Teacher's Union purchased a share of Hydro? Then the other Ontario unions followed suit? Potentially power generation could be in the hands of unions and left wing groups that would push further toward green energy.
I think it is time I considered installing wood heat and got back to cutting my own firewood...
I don't think that's a big worry. Its not actually the unions that would be buying them. For the teachers, its the OTPPB. These organisations are more interested in chasing dollars than pushing green energy.
What I'm hoping is that after it is sold, Ontario opens the Ontario market to other suppliers like Hydro Quebec....or Manitoba.
April 17th, 2015, 12:39 PM
That said Werner and your right with respect to OTPP/OMERS and more. They are just as greedy as the evil capitalist pigs the Unions ( and many left Liberals) take great pleasure in slamming, all while licking those pension chops
The Unions did try to make an offer for the LCBO. Nice
We pay for the LCBO, then we pay taxes which pay salaries, which fill Union coffers enough that they in turn feel they can afford 10 billion for a stake in the LCBO. Using "our" money to buy something we paid/pay for.
Just look at how much money the Unions throw around during elections. In essence "my" tax dollars end up the Union hands to be used against me in deciding elections.
Not a bad gig
April 17th, 2015, 01:08 PM
I can guarantee what wont happen. Hydro rates dropping. !! Never. Instead of selling off sixty percent of it why not put out a tender for bid to see who can operate it at the lowest KW/h for us poor consumers. Say a 20 year lease if you will that will require maintenance and new infrastructure as well.The government can still collect tax on hydro rates and at the same time get out of the energy business.