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Thread: Stan Jonathan......all charges dropped!! Former NHL er

  1. #1
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    Default Stan Jonathan......all charges dropped!! Former NHL er

    Has anyone been following this story.....quick recap.....he was deer hunting near or on the reserve (Oshweken) a couple years ago and shot an killed a guy who was walking the edge of a field dressed in full camo bow hunting.....Stan apparently took the shot from over 300 yds thinking he was a turned out it was a guy and he died from his neglect not knowing what he was shooting at.....anyways....long story short, all charges have been dropped and he is a free man.....i have very mixed feelings about this as i do not know how all charges can be dropped when he shot and killed a guy....he got nothing from what the reports are saying......doesnt seem right in my eyes and he should have had the booked thrown at him......

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    We have no idea what the full story / all the details are or were. Difficult to be upset without knowing the facts.

    Strange that a man who killed someone would get off completely, but until we know how and why the charges were dropped I can't say they should've thrown the book at him.


  4. #3
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by FishFrenzy View Post
    We have no idea what the full story / all the details are or were. Difficult to be upset without knowing the facts.

    Strange that a man who killed someone would get off completely, but until we know how and why the charges were dropped I can't say they should've thrown the book at him. FishFrenzy
    This is my opinion too and I don't think because you kill someone you should automatically be punished. Unfortunately "accident" do happen sometime.

  5. #4
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    It sounds like his lawyer was able create enough reasonable doubt that they let him off. His final story was that he actually shot at a deer, the bullet passed through the deer and hit the bow hunter. They also dug up a witness that saw a deer acting strangely in the area later in the day collaborating the theory. This area is 10 minutes out of Hamilton, where no one has any business shooting a rifle period let alone during bow season despite being exempt from the regs.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surf and Turf View Post
    It sounds like his lawyer was able create enough reasonable doubt that they let him off. His final story was that he actually shot at a deer, the bullet passed through the deer and hit the bow hunter. They also dug up a witness that saw a deer acting strangely in the area later in the day collaborating the theory. This area is 10 minutes out of Hamilton, where no one has any business shooting a rifle period let alone during bow season despite being exempt from the regs.
    At the time , there was no bow season as this happened during the controlled [gun hunt ] on the reserve where rifles are permitted.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaycee View Post
    At the time , there was no bow season as this happened during the controlled [gun hunt ] on the reserve where rifles are permitted.
    That's what my info is,also. That should explain everything and finally put the issue to rest. Wrong place at the wrong time. It's still sad that the victim paid dearly for a simple error in timing.

  8. #7
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    wait. what? that explains everything?? wrong place at the wrong time??? "have a nice day stan". Sorry about your luck dead guy with a hole blown in your back?

    What if stan saw a local wandering the property dressed in brown and figured it was a deer. It aint illegal to wander while dressed in brown. again: Sorry, wrong place at wrong time? have a nice day MR Hockey?

    How about: dead guy receives charge for hunting with a bow during gun season (if its even illegal one the reserve) and stan gets charged for taking a mans life. Seems reasonable.

    I wonder how hard it is for a former NHL'er & a local hero to ask a local if they "saw" a wounded deer after the fact.

    something stinks. I feel so badly for the wife and the daughter of this poor guy, not only b/c he lost his life in a senseless and horrible way, but also because of the way it is being swept under a rug and the family has to live with that as well...
    Last edited by one shot scott; April 6th, 2015 at 10:10 PM.

  9. #8
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    Im going to side with the "wth?" and "no excuse" crowd.

    1) Make sure you know what you are shooting at
    2) Make sure of your back stop

    Regardless of what one might or might not think actually accured be it.
    He said/She said and shooting from roads or two sets of laws, etc, etc.
    Shades of grey
    Or the truth is always in the middle.

    He didn't make sure.............and he didn't ensure...
    Something does indeed seem a little...

    Throw the book at him?
    Put him in a cell and throw the key away?

    That imo is what judges are supposed to be for.

    bottom line
    If I take a shot, and it goes and goes, maybe through a buck.....and through a window and kills a child.
    Anyone think I'm going to skate?
    Last edited by JBen; April 7th, 2015 at 10:26 AM.

  10. #9
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    Please continue in original thread, thank you.
    Heeere fishy fishy fishy fishy! :fish:

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