March 30th, 2015, 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by
I would hope that most recognize this for what it is. This is socialism at its best brought to you by the government at its most corrupt. Forget the labels and names, this is simply another tax.
Let's face it, the Debt Retirement Charge was going on well after the debt was paid so there needed to be another way to pay the bills - at the taxpayers expense of course.
Qualifying for the rebate is somewhere close to being able to qualify for astronaut training. Qualifying to pay the additional charge... not so much.
Q: Do you have income?
A: Yes.
"Good, we were going to take your money anyway!"
The OPG CEO isn't making enough money at just $1.56 million per year so hydro rates need to go up to pay him a bonus. And of course since he is getting one they all need to get more.
This is just the frog in the pot of water getting ready for *cough cough* carbon taxes *cough* to finish him off
March 30th, 2015 01:53 PM
March 30th, 2015, 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by
Let's be crystal clear,here. The ONLY reason the "left" says it supports the middle class is because that's the tax base. Without that,the Liberal/NDP/socialist-unionist dreams of a socialist regime comes crashing down. Poor people either don't pay taxes or,at least,exceedingly little and the rich have the money to kick the unionist's arses around the block,twice. One only needs to look at the end result of socialism in the eastern European bloc,the fiasco in Greece and here in Ontario with McGuinty-Wynne. This shyte ain't over,yet,by a long shot.
But the unionized labour part of the left is not socialist at all. They only care about the union members and the protection of jobs and pensions. So we have created a third level...something like the pigs, if you've ever read "Animal Farm"...Not something like, exactly like.
March 30th, 2015, 02:22 PM
Good analogy Werner and a great book.
March 30th, 2015, 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by
But the unionized labour part of the left is not socialist at all. They only care about the union members and the protection of jobs and pensions. So we have created a third level...something like the pigs, if you've ever read "Animal Farm"...Not something like, exactly like.
I've read that book (studied in Poli-Sci) and that's an excellent analogy that I'd forgotten about. LOL