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Thread: May have gotten rid of the "rotten egg" smell from my water...

  1. #1
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Default May have gotten rid of the "rotten egg" smell from my water...

    For those of you following and contributing to a recent thread of mine on my stinky water, you'll recall I was having trouble figuring out what the smell is and where it is coming from. After some exhaustive internet research, I tried something very simple and cheap (as in free!) I maxed my water heater and got the water temps up to scalding hot.. within hours the smell was gone. The high heat killed the bacteria that created the bad gas smell in my hot water. So the water tank was the source (Direct Energy actually came in and changed out the anode rod a week ago but that didn't get rid of the smell). Apparently, the combo of the well water (which itself does not smell as my cold water is completely free of odour and tastes great) and the the water softener and the anode rod material creates the foul smelling water within the tank, which is from a bacteria created by this combo. It is a harmless bacteria - we've confirmed that much. Now I am not sure if it will return one day (probably will) but if I just have to crank the heat in the tank once a month, that's a lot better than getting some expensive system and still probably not resolving the issue. Another option would be to install and electronic anode rod, which apparently neutralizes the reaction. But they are costly and we are renting the tank.

    Anyhow, thought I'd post an update since quite a few of us are on well water and this might help if you are in the same situation.


  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Member for Life

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    I'm glad to hear that it worked out for you. Peace of mind is a wonderful thing. A Direct Energy gas fitter friend of mine told me that a common error people make is keeping their water temp too low,thinking it will save energy costs and be safer to use,protecting vulnerable people from scalds. While the latter is true from too high temps,too low temps is even worse because it leads to bacteria growth as you've cited,giving water a musty or mouldy smell. Some bacteria in any enclosed vessel may also cause Legionaires Disiease,a condition that affects respiratory systems and can be fatal in the elderly,small children and people with compromised auto-immune systems.

  4. #3
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    As long as it is no higher than 140f. Above that and the scale buildup gets bad quick, plus skin burns. I used to maintain electric water heaters in apartment buildings and staff would always crank up the thermostat instead of fixing the problem that was causing the warm water. If they hit the right thermostat this could cost an extra $5-10,000 per month on the hydro bill.....

  5. #4
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by patvetzal View Post
    As long as it is no higher than 140f. Above that and the scale buildup gets bad quick, plus skin burns. I used to maintain electric water heaters in apartment buildings and staff would always crank up the thermostat instead of fixing the problem that was causing the warm water. If they hit the right thermostat this could cost an extra $5-10,000 per month on the hydro bill.....
    1. what is scale buildup?

    2. $5-$10,000 per month on hydro bill?? Explain please.

    Thank you.

  6. #5
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Splaker View Post
    1. what is scale buildup?

    2. $5-$10,000 per month on hydro bill?? Explain please.

    Thank you.
    Scale buildup could be caused by calcium.. All the water around here has calcium.. The hydro bill will be from electric hit water tanks. In an apartment building, they have massive tanks.. Your power bill won't be effected if your on gas.
    Member of the OFAH, CCFR/CCDAF.

  7. #6
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Great to here that you sorted it out. I thought maybe you had a liberal stuck in your tank or something.

  8. #7
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by topher View Post
    Scale buildup could be caused by calcium.. All the water around here has calcium.. The hydro bill will be from electric hit water tanks. In an apartment building, they have massive tanks.. Your power bill won't be effected if your on gas.
    we are on gas

  9. #8
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Jack View Post
    I thought maybe you had a liberal stuck in your tank or something.
    Ah so that's what smells at the back of my truck, a dam liberal stuck in my tank. Doesn't run worth ......either.

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