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Thread: chamber of commerce report

  1. #1
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Default chamber of commerce report

    lots of good reading in this , funny how in the opening remarks though that our current premier chooses to comment on the upcoming federal election
    You got one shot at life where are your sights aimed today ?

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Member for Life

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    Ontario’s debt is large and growing. The province suffers from a serious infrastructure deficit. Unemployment (among youth, in particular) persists while some sectors and regions suffer from skills shortages

    Restoring Fiscal Balance by Improving the Way Government
    In the 2013-14 fiscal year, the Government of Ontario spent $10.5 billion more than it collected in
    revenue, increasing its net debt to $267.2 billion (
    and where exactly have tens and tens and tens of billions gone since 2008 (110billion in revenue each year and massive debt piled on top..Certainly not to much in the first paragraph)). Over eight percent of the province’s total spending is now devoted to interest charges on the debt. In the near future, the debt will continue to grow and consume an ever-increasing proportion of government resources.

    Further, low projected growth, a rapidly aging workforce, pending interest rate hikes, and growing
    demand (
    Hmmm, gee dark storm clouds so often....)for some services means that Ontario must meet its target of eliminating its deficit by 2017- 18 and thereafter begin paying down its debt. Yeah like that's going to happen

    The government has taken some steps in the right direction: it has stabilized the debt-to-GDP ratio;
    it has reduced the annual growth in health care spending to below GDP growth; it has successfully
    negotiated no or minimal salary increases with key public sector unions /pardon?

    Ms Wynne.
    Lol. There's "leader ship"
    Guess those of us that have been saying those things for years are
    a) Haters of PS and more
    b) Right wing hawks
    c) don't know what we talking about
    d) more I might say

    Last edited by JBen; March 11th, 2015 at 08:48 AM.

  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    This is news???

    "Further, low projected growth, a rapidly aging workforce, pending interest rate hikes, and growing
    demand for some services means that Ontario must meet its target of eliminating its deficit by 2017-
    18 and thereafter begin paying down its debt."

  5. #4
    Member for Life

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    Only to some Werner, who a) didn't want to, or refused to hear it or b) did, but don't care.

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