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Thread: Byron Ferguson - Greatest Archer, captured slo-mo

  1. #1
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    Default Byron Ferguson - Greatest Archer, captured slo-mo

    Fun video that touches on the geometric difficulties involved in Ferguson's skill, but doesn't got quite as in-depth as I'd hoped.

    I want to know HOW a human brain manages to be an amazing firing control computer.
    Roosted ain't Roasted.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2

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    Default Byron Ferguson - Greatest Archer, captured slo-mo

    Can't believe he doesn't hit the center and doesn't puncture the golf ball. Needs to still practice.

    That aspirin blew me away. Here I am missing blocks sometimes and this guy is hitting asprins. Amazing.

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mdiddi View Post
    Can't believe he doesn't hit the center and doesn't puncture the golf ball. Needs to still practice.

    That aspirin blew me away. Here I am missing blocks sometimes and this guy is hitting asprins. Amazing.
    Moving Aspirins.

    Moving. Fecking. Aspirins.
    Roosted ain't Roasted.

  5. #4

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    One of my favorite archers. Absolutely amazing shot.
    The thrower is just as important as the shooter in these types of trick shots. Bryon maximizes his shooting window by shooting the object at or close to it's peak height. Consistency in the thrower is paramount.
    I've always liked to compare shooting a bow to throwing a baseball. There's a lot of similarities in the brain as to executing accuracy.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mdiddi View Post
    Can't believe he doesn't hit the center and doesn't puncture the golf ball. Needs to still practice.

    That aspirin blew me away. Here I am missing blocks sometimes and this guy is hitting asprins. Amazing.
    I remember a segment of his where he said if you aim for the middle and hit the middle of the target it does not matter how small the target is.

    He said not to practice with large targets as your brain tells you that hitting close is good enough, you need to shoot at dots and not be satisfied until you hit that dot.

    Insane stuff

  7. #6
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    Holy crap, I wrote that first comment before watching

  8. #7
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    I can group reasonably well at 20yrds shooting instinctive, but that kind of stuff. Cant even begin to fathom.

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