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Thread: Maybe this will stick to queen Wynne

  1. #41
    Member for Life

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    She is untouchable and knows it. When you have the Provincial Police in your pocket and the Attorney General is an appointment of yours you are completely covered. Kathleen Wynne could be in prison and the Ontario voters would still vote for her. Sorry the "public Service" voters will vote for her and their unions will fund 3rd party groups to circumvent election spending laws. Voter apathy is only going to get worse. God help us.
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

  2. # ADS

  3. #42
    Member for Life

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    This is how it will go.


  4. #43
    Elite Member

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    Christine Blizzard's latest article speaks to the current lack of contrition by the Liberals. So yes Terry, you are absolutely correct. They are golden til the next election and they will do whatever they want.
    There is room for all God's creatures - right next to the mashed potatoes!

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