February 14th, 2015, 10:38 PM
[QUOTE=kickingfrog;875599]Why does sun news being a joke and a failure, and saying so, mean I support the cbc?
I guess if hearing both sides of a story, instead of just the slanted, biased ,politically correct, left leaning version then yes, they were a joke. If they received over a billion dollars of our money every year they would be going strong like the eveready bunny right along side the media parties . You know the ones that preach conservative bad , liberal good no matter what.
February 14th, 2015 10:38 PM
February 15th, 2015, 10:39 AM
When did the sun news ever report the "both sides" of the story? Imagine just reporting the news?
Conservatives didn't even watch sun news and yet it's the "left's" fault.
Don't conservatives preach taking responsibility and not blaming others?
Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening.
Dorothy Sarnoff
February 15th, 2015, 11:12 AM
Touch'e. Sun news reported both sides of the story ,just like Fox news does, which means it does not. Just like Rick Mercer's rants , the truth hurts. Oh ya he lives in Toronto so whatever he says can't be true. Don't shoot the messenger.
Last edited by fishermccann; February 15th, 2015 at 11:24 AM.
February 15th, 2015, 11:38 AM
Most Canadian did not watch them so that says more about Sun News than I can ever express.LOL
February 15th, 2015, 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by
Most Canadian did not watch them so that says more about Sun News than I can ever express.LOL
Most Canadians didn't watch SNN because it was a pay channel. If they had had mandatory carriage and were available as a regular channel, like CBC and CTV, more people would have watched. The CRTC ruled that cable companies had to make SNN available as part of a news bundle, but most people don't pay for news bundles. If you had to pay For CBC would you buy it? As Rage Against The Machine put it...."they don't have to burn the books they just remove 'em".
February 15th, 2015, 02:40 PM
Only 8000 viewers an hour tells me that even those that got it , did not watch it.
February 15th, 2015, 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by
Ryan 09
Most Canadians didn't watch SNN because it was a pay channel. If they had had mandatory carriage and were available as a regular channel, like CBC and CTV, more people would have watched. The CRTC ruled that cable companies had to make SNN available as part of a news bundle, but most people don't pay for news bundles. If you had to pay For CBC would you buy it? As Rage Against The Machine put it...."they don't have to burn the books they just remove 'em".
BINGO Ryan 09, you hit the nail right on the head . Hopefully some more folks get hit on the head "VERY SOON" before it is too late to save this great country of ours from all the bleeding heart ,nanny state, please look after me dearest liberal leader,left leaning socialist do-gooders. There, that felt good. It always does when you get somthing off your chest,especially when it is true.
February 16th, 2015, 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by
Only 8000 viewers an hour tells me that even those that got it , did not watch it.
Well considering that people who buy news bundles are generally after CNN and Bloomberg type news, 8000 people watching SNN was pretty high. You must remember that specialty channel bundles cater to a specific "group" of individuals. Business people, bankers and the such subscribe to business and news bundles, people on OODmag would likely subscribe to outdoor channel bundles, and sport fanatics will subscribe to sports bundles. The average joe would not pay the extra money for news bundles for one channel when they have other bills. The liberal leaning biased CRTC knows this. I would love to see SNN carry on in some fashion whether it be an internet channel or radio station.
February 16th, 2015, 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by
Ryan 09
I would love to see SNN carry on in some fashion whether it be an internet channel or radio station.
Your right....the future of shows like SNN lie within internet. Most of what I watched of SNN was linked to a youtube videos..in fact, most of what I watch for hunting/shooting etc are now on youtube channels. I rarely watch anything on cable TV anymore.
I've even scaled back my Bell VU to the basic package for the network news in the morning and at supper. The rest of the time the TV is on a music station
I'll add : The Networks and the CRTC still don't get it yet, they are becoming redundant and will soon be obsolete.
February 17th, 2015, 12:03 PM
Surveys said that SNN was only getting 500 viewers per hour. in the prime ( for advertisers), 29 to 54 age bracket.
Last edited by fishermccann; February 17th, 2015 at 12:05 PM.