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Thread: Redbox alternative?

  1. #1
    Borderline Spammer

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    Default Redbox alternative?

    The wife and I were big fans of and would rent about a movie a week. You just could not beat the $2 price for a current flick and the machines were all over the place where we live so the convenience was great. Sucks to see them abruptly pack up and leave Canada.

    So how are you guys/gals watching current movies and what is it costing you?

  2. # ADS

  3. #2

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    Netflix. $8/month. I pay a premium to $12/mo, but I can watch on four devices at once. Six people in the house, it's worth it. I cancelled my cable and saved $75/mo. Even with two netflix accounts at $20/mo, I'm saving $50/mo
    Learn all you can about nature. What we don't understand, we fear and what we fear, we destroy.
    Teach a young person to hunt and fish, after all, someone taught you.

  4. #3

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    Check out free sporting events and some movies. can pretty much watch any hockey game I want.

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