February 13th, 2015, 09:21 AM
Yeah and unfortunately giving people breaks doesn't appear to be one of them. Quite the opposite. I wouldn't hold my breath on QP tabling that.
A few years ago, maybe as far back as 2010 ( I seem to recall threads about Drummond) there were many threads, have been many many threads about the true state of things ( the mess and the economy) and many threads…um, debating…where things were heading..and many threads on how so much is being impacted, "ripple effects". This being one of them.
With various economic factors and the fact they are finally going to start doing more on infrastructure (thats going to cost large).
With various threats be it rating agencies beathing down their necks, or Interest rates
With continued unemployment concerns
With Boomers and the strains on healthcare
With millions of aging Ontarians not having enough saved and near retirement themselves.
I don't think we can afford, let alone expect them to start giving breaks. They are already planning on doing away with the 10% Hydro rebate.
So from everything we've seen so far in the past year.
They show no, little interest in reducing overhead.
They are showing lots of willingness to make everyone pay
Last edited by JBen; February 13th, 2015 at 10:08 AM.
February 13th, 2015 09:21 AM