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Thread: Life vest

  1. #11
    Just starting out

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    I have the Mustang Auto Inflate. My son and I wear them all the time when we are on the water Fishing. We never leave the dock without putting them on. We use them in all 4 seasons since we are on the water constantly. We live in the Niagara Region which allows us to fish all year round on the boat.

    They are not bulky at all and never get in the way. Its like we don't have anything on. We change the bobbins every three years and manually inflate them once a year to make sure their are no pin holes. We have had ours for the last 11 years.

    I don't understand why more people don't convert to this style of life jackets while fishing. If you fall off your boat while fishing and bang your head and knocked out. How are you going to get your life jacket.

    I hope this helps you out.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Loyal Member

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    I fish a lot of bass tournaments and due to the rules must wear one while the "big" motor is on. I personally use a manual inflating Mustang simply because I don't get the option on what days I'm fishing and have had the auto inflate function go off at 70mph in the rain.

  4. #13
    Leads by example

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    Quote Originally Posted by Its About Time View Post
    I have the Mustang Auto Inflate. My son and I wear them all the time when we are on the water Fishing. We never leave the dock without putting them on. We use them in all 4 seasons since we are on the water constantly. We live in the Niagara Region which allows us to fish all year round on the boat.

    They are not bulky at all and never get in the way. Its like we don't have anything on. We change the bobbins every three years and manually inflate them once a year to make sure their are no pin holes. We have had ours for the last 11 years.

    I don't understand why more people don't convert to this style of life jackets while fishing. If you fall off your boat while fishing and bang your head and knocked out. How are you going to get your life jacket.

    I hope this helps you out.
    Agreed. I wear mine full time too - nobody that I fish with is going to be able to haul me out of the water. Especially not my son.
    “You have enemies ? Good. It means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life”: Winston Churchill

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