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Thread: Saturdays Hunt

  1. #11
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Congrats to you and the dog
    "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach a man to fish and he eats for the rest of his life"

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Needs a new keyboard

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    At times we don’t give the dogs enough credit and praise for what they can do and accomplish… Nice work for you on spending the time to train him to do just that and awesome work for Sam doing what you trained him to do . Congrats to the both of you!
    SkyBlue Big Game Blueticks

  4. #13
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Bo D, I have to be honest here I had nothing to do with her being a great tracker, she learned it all on her own. I have always brought her with me in the jeep, when I get a deer I go get her. She has made 3 recoveries of over 500yds. Her 1st retrieve was when she was 10months old, I had no idea if she would track or not. I stuck a nice Doe, actually in the same ground blind as this one. It was mid October so leaves still on trees. I saw it run for maybe 50yds then lost sight of it. I did hear it crash out in front of me so new it was down. there was no sigh of a hit, but it didn't matter to Sam, I tried to send her up the deer trail, but she wanted to go into a different spot so I followed her. She was going in the correct direction so I followed. About where I last seen it she found a pool of blood, carried on for maybe 25yds more and she found it. So this is all on her. I take her every time I shoot a deer even if I see it fall, so she gets the experience. Funny last year was one of the ones I would have had no problems finding. there were 2 coyotes chasing it, if I had reloaded the Xbow I would have gotten one of them. Anyway I went and got quad and Sam. She found deer without issue even though it back tracked itself. I had to drag it a bit to field dress it. Sam was watching me, then all of a sudden she started to growl and look back. Figured the coyotes where following us. She never left the side of the deer and watched the whole time with fur up. It was her deer. Got to give the dogs all the credit, they all do a great job.

  5. #14
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Good one, congratulations!
    A true sportsman counts his achievements in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport. - S. Pope

  6. #15

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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    :moose: "I'd rather be in the bush hunting than playing golf anyday." :moose:

  7. #16

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    Well done! What a good dog! give her a pat and a treat for us!
    Last edited by Ahuntr300; December 22nd, 2024 at 10:38 AM.

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