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Thread: List of Wildlife I Came Across In GTA Area That I Have Never Seen In Alberta

  1. #1
    Just starting out

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    Default List of Wildlife I Came Across In GTA Area That I Have Never Seen In Alberta

    I've previously written about First Impression of Hunting in GTA As An Alberta Hunter. It's been a couple of weeks since (small game) hunting season started for me, and interestingly I've observed very different wildlife here around GTA comparing to AB. Really making me admire the diversity of ON nature.

    Garner snakes. Alberta in theory has them, never saw them in my hunts.

    Wild turkey. Saw a flock close to some farmland property. Frequented similar terrains in AB, never saw one.

    Frogs and toads. So many of them in GTA forests.

    Blue jays. Such beautiful creatures, never saw them in southern AB.

    Grey and black squirrels. I mentioned this in my previous post, I've never seen them in the wild before.


    Oh, and animals that I have yet to see in GTA? Grouses, rabbits, deer. 😂😂😂

    Happy hunting everyone!

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Has all the answers

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    If you will be lucky a wild boar ...?!

  4. #3

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    There are a lot of deer and rabbits in the GTA, grouse not so much.
    Gun control:Criminals who ignore laws against rape, torture, kidnapping, theft, and murder, will obey a law that prohibits them from owning a firearm while disarming decent people from having access to firearms to deter criminals.

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