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Thread: On ground blinds and tree stands

  1. #11
    Needs a new keyboard

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    I found out the problem with ground blind that I always use. Light wind and what was there was wrong direction for me. 615pm I heard branch break back and left so almost down wind. I got read and waited, then I heard breathing over my left shoulder for 10 mins it was there. finally figured out I wasn't something natural, blew and gone. Never saw what it was but, it had to be real close as I'm half deaf. Tree stand in this case would have made difference. I don't like high winds, but probably worse are those light winds.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12

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    I prefer to sit in ladderstands but with a wonky hip I find I can't sit in one comfortably for an extended length of time. While I'm out with xbow I play the wind, moving around and try to sit accordingly just in a chair and use ground cover, at least until we get a few more frosts and it dies off. Doesn't always work. Had a doe walk 20yds behind me downwind last night. LOL. BIL took the headlands off the one corn field for me so currently trying to ambush them travelling between the bush and the corn.

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