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Thread: 26.6 Pound Tom shot in Bruce County- video

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default 26.6 Pound Tom shot in Bruce County- video

    Here is some advice for new hunters: watch the behaviour of the bird you are hunting so that you know when to call.
    Here is an example from my hunt yesterday:

    I watched a Tom strutting and he had 3 hens around him. He continued to strut after one of the hens left and then he followed the 2 hens into the woods.

    Surprisingly the 2 hens came out of the woods 3 minutes later, with the Tom following. He gobbled once and I made a soft call. He did a half strut and then started following the hens. Only this time he was not strutting. As they came closer, I made a soft purr to get his attention. Then he headed right to my Tom decoy.

    Lessons from this hunt:
    - Never assume a henned up Tom will not come in to your decoys. I always use a breeder hen with the Tom in strut or a Jake decoy. All of the Toms shot this year came right to the Tom decoy.
    - Once the Tom stopped strutting I knew I had a good chance of calling him into my decoys.

    26.6 pounds, 13” beard 1” spurs shot at 8:30 am

    Here is the link to the video of the Tom coming in. ( ignore date and time on video)

    here are the photos
    Last edited by JMatthews; May 25th, 2024 at 05:23 PM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Borderline Spammer

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    Wow, nice bird!!

  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    Thanks !

  5. #4
    Loyal Member

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    Big bird! Congratulations

  6. #5
    Member for Life

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    Thank you

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