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Thread: Water dog

  1. #1
    Getting the hang of it

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    Default Water dog

    Well it was his first time off leash in the woods and we found a huge puddle. I was worried he might not go into water well since he was raised through winter. Apparently I was wrong

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Needs a new keyboard

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    He seemed to take to it naturally… well more than naturally, he seemed to love it… I doubt very much if you have a water issue with him…. When it comes to water and retrieving downed game in the water…. Nice!
    SkyBlue Big Game Blueticks

  4. #3
    Getting the hang of it

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    I really wasn't expecting the reaction he had because around the neighborhood he avoids all the puddles. When he saw things he bolted straight for it and leapt right in. I was quite excited to see it

  5. #4
    Mod Squad

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    like a kid they'll play in puddles. Dogs take to water naturally keep him shallow as his confidence increase eventually move him to deer water to learn to swim
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

  6. #5
    Getting the hang of it

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    Quote Originally Posted by finsfurfeathers View Post
    like a kid they'll play in puddles. Dogs take to water naturally keep him shallow as his confidence increase eventually move him to deer water to learn to swim
    When he first got into this puddle the far side was deeper and it was actually over his head. Didn't even phase him

  7. #6
    Needs a new keyboard

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    that was fun to watch, he will never have a water issue. wish my lab would do that.

  8. #7
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Reminds me of my chocolate lab when she was a pup. She's still water crazy ��!

  9. #8
    Getting the hang of it

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    Now I can't wait to get him into the water again. If I can manage I know of a big pond I want to try and get him into tonight. I think that is the happiest I have seen him

    Indy Swim.jpg

  10. #9
    Borderline Spammer

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    An added bonus when they love water is swimming as a summer stupidly hot day exercise. When it's too hot to do anything else the lake is a joy for you and the dog!!!
    A bad day hunting is still better than a good day at work!
    40 year member of OFAH

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