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Thread: Can someone help me out here?

  1. #11
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Consider archery.
    A true sportsman counts his achievements in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport. - S. Pope

  2. # ADS

  3. #12

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    If you do want a rifle up to .275 is allowed one thing that may open doors for you ask farmers to hunt coyotes, that may lead to other opportunities for ranges they are several Guelph rod and Gun , Galt's sportsmen , Elmira rod and gun Bridgeport to name a few . Search them out and see if they are taking membership. Good luck

  4. #13
    Leads by example

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    Congratulation on taking the first step into a whole new world. As it's been stated "we all crawled before we walked" so don't be in a rush as patience is a hunters most valuable asset. So being in the KW area you are within driving distance to many areas to hunt and the most versatile gun as already stated would be a shotgun. I would go with a 12 ga. pump and if you get one with 3 barrels all the better. Why ? 12 ga. ammo is available and affordable and pumps are easy to shoot and maintain not to mention the different types of game you can hunt with them.
    Good Luck & Good Hunting !

  5. #14
    Loyal Member

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    Join OFAH.
    Whitetails Crossing Outdoors
    Badlands Gear
    Wasaga Beach, ON

  6. #15
    Leads by example

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    Great place to start OFAH as most clubs are affiliated with them such as the Long Point Fish & Game Club or the Long Point Waterfowlers Assoc. .
    Good Luck & Good Hunting !

  7. #16
    Loyal Member

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    First off, welcome. I would considering joining the OFAH for the liability insurance, as for the firearm I would look at a shotgun over rifle in the beginning, Mossberg use to offer the 500 in 2 barrel camo combo (20ga.) reg barrel for turkey, waterfowl, small game, upland and the slug barrel for deer
    Good luck and be safe!


    Quote Originally Posted by ethan.r View Post
    I’m about to get my hunting license, already have my PAL, just wondering in Kitchener Ontario what would be a good calibre where ammo is somewhat reasonable but could take down a deer? Sorta decided I’ll get the Savage Axis XP but wanna know what calibre would be best? Also how do I get in touch with some other more experienced hunters? None of my friends do it and don’t wanna do it alone when I have no clue what I’m doing yet haha!

  8. #17
    Leads by example

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    The Mossberg 500 has taken over from Remington's 870 since their demise. Good strong gun, affordable and can be dressed up with after market goodies but I still recommend 12 gauge instead of 20 gauge due to price, types and availability of ammo.
    Good Luck & Good Hunting !

  9. #18
    Borderline Spammer

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    The savage would be just fine. There is plenty of open deer rifle within an hour to two hours of Kitchener so you can certainly rifle hunt if you wish to. The shotgun isn’t terrible advice if you want to hunt close to home. A combo would work well. Although I’m not a creedmore fan or shooter, a 6.5 creedmore is prettt available, had enough thump for deer, and still allows
    You to hunt coyote in the southern districts. I live north east of you. If I plan well, spend some time researching, and have plenty of permission, I’m able to hunt a gun season for 4 weeks total with only 1week of that up north. Lots of opportunity nearby, a chance to hunt rifle season, and yes a muzzle loader does open up an extra week for you! Unfortunately I can’t add anyone to the mix at this time, but there is a lot of opportunity in the region and a motivated guy will do alright after a few seasons of boot leather and door knocking!
    Last edited by diverduck; February 8th, 2024 at 06:34 AM.

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