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Thread: Christmas is back on!

  1. #1
    Leads by example

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    Default Christmas is back on!

    Old story, but a good one at this time of year.

    I got back from hunting, shot one one buck. My son helped me drag it out, it was a good learning experience for him, being too young to hunt himself.

    The next day he went to school and told his freinds the cool story of his dad shooting a deer and dragging it out of the woods.

    Did you ever play that game as kids when the teacher puts the kids in a line and whispers a comment in the first kids ear, then that kid whispers to kid number 2 in line and so forth. What started out as the first comment ends up entirely different at the end of the line.

    During the day my son's story of his dad shooting a deer turned into shooting Santa's reindeer and now there will be no christmas presents. So the teacher called and I had to explain what happened, and she in turn had to explain it to the kids, its OK, Christmas is back on again!
    National Association for Search and Rescue

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Mod Squad

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    yup its call telephone tag. Reminds me when I brought a road kill deer home one christmas eve and had to explain it wasn't one of santa's
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

  4. #3
    Leads by example

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    Sure fire way to get on the Naughty List by Tagging one of Santa's lil'buddies !
    Good Luck & Good Hunting !

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