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Thread: Who's going to trap this year ?

  1. #1
    Leads by example

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    2102 Grief Who's going to trap this year ?

    What are other trappers planning for this season? I find it difficult to get motivated when the recent fur sales indicate that some articles have almost no commercial value. I plan to trap some rats as they are at least selling. Not worth going hard on beaver when they're worth 5 - 10 bucks. Not worth setting a 220 in the bush as the coon won't even sell. I'll put in some coyote sets just to keep them from eating everything on my property but I won't be surprised if they don't sell. I feel sorry for the folks with big beaver quotas. It would cost you now to run a line. I'd be surprised if you could manage to break even.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Loyal Member

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    I’m just learning but I plan on putting a few sets in simply to keep the egg eaters at bay so we have some turkeys to hunt in the spring.
    Its a good time to learn to put up skins since making a few holes doesn’t cost you a high value skin.

  4. #3
    Getting the hang of it

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    Won't be doing trapping for the cash.
    Do need to keep up with some beaver trapping each year for pest control on our property.
    Tempted with todays prices to throw the bodies in the woods but will listen to my conscience and finish the skin to do the right thing. Finish what I start.
    As well as pest control on beaver population and damage, a few beaver will keep me in practice so I remember how not to cut holes while fleshing.
    One Shot = One Kill

  5. #4
    Just starting out

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    revive this -looking forward to the upcoming season-prices be dammed,but hope to not be doing it just for fun

  6. #5
    Has all the answers

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    Someone needs to come up with some saleable products made in Canada.

  7. #6
    Borderline Spammer

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    Actually beaver did very well last year in the last 2 sales at FHA. Apparently a big demand for the felt industry. I also did ok with marten.

    Rats have not sold in 2 years now and neither coon or yotes did well unfortunately.

    Lets keep our fingers crossed things will get better.

    I will be targeting beavers big time this year personally.

  8. #7
    Loyal Member

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    Actually plan to get my license this coming season.
    They say the only good wolf is a dead wolf, If that’s the case than I’ve reformed many a wolf.

  9. #8
    Getting the hang of it

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    This year's beaver prices with last year's castor prices would be even better! I'll be setting steel soon. Beavers, coyotes, racoons and fisher this year for me.

  10. #9
    Member for Life

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    LOL I am on a lake full of beaver and nobody locally fit enought to trap them it seems. The little buggers are chewing on my plastic dock and are so unafraid of me that they sit outside their lodges and groom themsleves. They raised the Lake up and flooded a good deal of timber and when a downstream dam burst it took out the township road, expensive repair.

  11. #10
    Leads by example

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    I’ll keep doing nuisance beaver as there is good money in it. A real shame the castor prices took such a drop. I’ll also go after the coyotes that yap on my property most nights. A crying shame those beautiful prime pelts are worth next to nothing. Not even worth setting for rats. I doubt you’d even be able to sell them

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