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Thread: Time Sure Tales It's Toll

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Time Sure Tales It's Toll

    I happened to watch the Seekers sing - there's no one like you - on you tube - it was an rendition when they were old - what a difference from when they were young and in their prime - the same with William Holden - when you see what he looked like in a movie like Picnic and then how he looked just before he died - time sure does a job on us - it is sad - but there isn't anything we can do about it - I will be 90 later this year and the hardest thing I have to content with is I just don't have the stamina that I once had - want to do so much but just don't have the strength - I find myself taking a nap in the afternoon sometimes - no mater how handsome or pretty you are now - things will change and you'll be old some day - at a wedding reception you'll be sitting on the side lines watching the young ones dancing - and it happens fast - the only advise I can give is to live a good moral life so you don't have too many regrets when you get old - my dear wife passed away 24 years ago and I do regret that I didn't tell her that I loved her more often - but I am glad that I was a good husband and father to my kids -


  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Leads by example

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    There is beauty, wisdom and graciousness in old age. Our time is never guaranteed. Live sensibly but without hesitation. And always be grateful, some people aren’t so lucky to see a ripe old age.

  4. #3
    Leads by example

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    Amen JoePa, amen.
    Good Luck & Good Hunting !

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