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Thread: Auction results?

  1. #1

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    Default Auction results?

    You are welcome for the good beaver prices - the one species I didn't target this year! lol
    Focused on raccoons this year as more of a nuisance animal for my farmers, and ended up getting a fox and fisher as incidental catches.
    averaged 4.55 a raccoon with 15 dollar high, averaged 42.44 for fisher, with 49 as a high, and my first attempt at fox netted me a whooping 4.50 for a dgd hvy. The flip did not go well for me.
    Not exactly a money making year, which I knew going in, as I got into trapping to help with nuisance animals on farms that I hunt. Love the process of harvesting, and processing the animals.

    How did everyone else do?

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    what traps do you use to catch racoons with? whats your bait and set up? curious as i am thinking of doing this..

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