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Thread: Leeks and Morels

  1. #1
    Loyal Member

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    Default Leeks and Morels

    Been a great spring for foraging leeks. Pickled 17 jars of leeks and also made some butter from the leaves (great on toast) also lots of fresh leaves mixed in with the salad and pasta sauce with chopped bulbs and leaves. As to my morel season let’s just say I found some of the best false morel patches but not to many real ones yet. Tried to attach some pics but so far unsuccessful.
    They say the only good wolf is a dead wolf, If that’s the case than I’ve reformed many a wolf.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Leads by example

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    Same here in the Kawarthas with the morels. I've been out looking and haven't seen a single morel yet. Man I'm looking forward to a feed of them if I can find some.

  4. #3

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    Been a weird year for me as well with Morels. Have a spot that 2 years ago I must of picked 20lbs worth and since then not even one......
    Did well on fiddle heads though this year and always manage to find a few leeks here and there so the missus can make her potatoe leek soup.

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