April 16th, 2023, 05:27 PM
Spring Chores are here
Well trying to get spring chores done on top of the damage from the mini ice storm.
Last week right after the ice storm I cut up the large branches on 3 different properties, but could not do my own as I had a pond 100 ft by 50 ft in the back, I just did that yesterday. Go almost 2 face cords between all. I still have on the fence line another face to cut but need to check with the owner.
I also cleaned out the chicken coop to get ready to add my new chickens, hopefully they can move out of the garage in one maybe 2 more weeks at max.
My son is doing some of the Spring cleaning in the house, wife is away sent her to Germany (See I am nice).
During the Summer I will stack all the firewood I have outside into the barn.
Think I will also hire someone to clean the windows this year as it feels like I am already running out of time.
April 16th, 2023 05:27 PM
April 16th, 2023, 06:27 PM
Same here. Busy busy. Cleaning up the yard. Getting the garden ready. Getting ready for a Reno. A/C blew over the weekend so getting that looked at. Rabbits destroyed a few young fruit trees so need to replace those. But I’m happy to be busy.
April 16th, 2023, 06:40 PM
Yup, forgot about gardening, I need 100 large boulders to go around flower gardens,
a pickup load and trailer of wood chips and need to go get 12-15 bales of straw. Want to do straw bale gardening.
I also need to get 2 dwarf apple trees. I did plant 3 Haskap plants (going to buy 2 more) and 5 blueberry last spring, should start producing in 2024.
Need to be all done by May long weekend, then get my firewood in the barn so I can make room for more outside.
April 16th, 2023, 06:45 PM
The straw bale gardening sounds interesting, let us know how it works out.
I think I’ll plant a couple of service berries this year. A friend of mine made some jam with his berries and it was incredible.
April 16th, 2023, 06:48 PM
I thought I was ahead of the game, but daughter just moved two houses beside us and she has a good long list.
"Only dead fish go with the flow."
Proud Member: CCFR, CSSA, OFAH, NFA.
April 16th, 2023, 07:07 PM
I'm off the hook for the spring chores this year, moving in July so just the bare minimum until then.
April 16th, 2023, 07:30 PM
I've been at it for the past two weeks and working on 5 different projects. Instead of working on one then moving on to the next I'm trying to work on 5 at the same time, moving from one to the other and it doesn't look like I'm making any headway. Forgot about the windows, like you might hire someone to do it this year... One nice thing though the weather here has been perfect for working outside... The next two weeks suck according to the long range forecast...
SkyBlue Big Game Blueticks
April 17th, 2023, 06:07 AM
Cleaned the yard last week with the new blower works great. Never worked on the gardens yet ,this weather is just a tease besides the garlic, onion and asparagus bed is de weeded. Had 1 small tree to clean that fell during the winter gave a bit wood enough for a few fires. Just building a bearded dragon enclosure this past weekend it's looking awesome had 1 minor issue when I stuck my head to wet pile of expansion foam lol. Just have doors, lights , grout and finish the feed bowl.
Sill no pics
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April 17th, 2023, 06:58 AM
My wife and I are busy staging my neighbors house next door to help them out one is gravely ill and wife is going to move in with her daughter, so for them a three house move all told.
A whole life time of "stuff" to be moved, place painted and so forth. My wife is getting a surgery on Thursday that has taken two years to get, pretty major one.
I was up at the camp Wednesday last, still a few places with 8 inches of snow. I have at least 5 tree's down, mostly pin cherry, a Maple and half a real snarly pine tree.
I helped my son strip a cab for his Ram on the weekend and got is re painted, at least its not sitting at the side of the house any more.
I will probably be delayed getting in my garden up north because of all this, so I will be donating a few pints of blood to the local fly population.
April 17th, 2023, 08:34 AM
Tried to get in one last weekend working in the bush with the tractor. Most places okay - packed snow or frozen ground - but a couple of spots turned into bottomless mud holes after a couple of trips over them with the tractor. Next weekend is work weekend at the cottage - that's usually a pretty busy day - raking pine needles, picking up fallen branches and hooking up the water. Not much to do around the house in suburbia.