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Thread: The Changing Face of Britain.

  1. #1
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  3. #2
    Member for Life

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    Amazing article . The world is definitely changing , and in this case for the better.

    "We should all take pride in the fact that today we have sent a clear message: that your colour of skin or indeed your faith is not a barrier to leading the country that we all call home," he said.
    " We are more than our gender, skin color, class, sexuality or age; we are unlimited potential, and can not be defined by one label." quote A. Bartlett

  4. #3
    Leads by example

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    In my opinion, Britain lost its identity when it joined the EU. I lived there as a child and returned after the acceptance into the EU and noticed a significant change in culture.
    National Association for Search and Rescue

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marker View Post
    In my opinion, Britain lost its identity when it joined the EU. I lived there as a child and returned after the acceptance into the EU and noticed a significant change in culture.
    I think was was inevitable that the culture would change due to the previous British Empire. Commonwealth countries, Hong Cong, had citizens with rights to come to Britain. So over the years they came for a new life. Acceptance into the EU meant signing onto agreements that allowed for even more freedom of movement from people born outside the UK.

    When I left GB in 1976 we had a healthy population of East Indians running corner shops and restaurant's in Glasgow so we now see their children in positions of powers after that half a century.

    Leaving the EU has not improved life in GB as they no longer have countries to trade with and have lost a lot of talented folks you get with immigration. IMHO

  6. #5
    Needs a new keyboard

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    For the past 30 years plus I've been regularly visiting the UK for business and pleasure. Anyone suggesting the "changing face" is a recent development hasn't been paying attention.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badenoch View Post
    For the past 30 years plus I've been regularly visiting the UK for business and pleasure. Anyone suggesting the "changing face" is a recent development hasn't been paying attention.
    I think people pay attention but there is a vast difference between what a person can read and see on the telly about Britain and actually being on the ground. I know folks up north who really have no idea of Urban life and the cosmopolitan nature of big cities I also know some Urban dwellers from the GTA who have lived here most of their lives but have not been north of Highway 7.

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    I think people pay attention but there is a vast difference between what a person can read and see on the telly about Britain and actually being on the ground. I know folks up north who really have no idea of Urban life and the cosmopolitan nature of big cities I also know some Urban dwellers from the GTA who have lived here most of their lives but have not been north of Highway 7.
    Lol yes, last time I was down to the city I was asked by a lady in a restaurant where I was from. I replied north of Bancroft, and she asked if it was somewhere by Minden. I said it was north east of Minden and she replied ”I guess there are places farther north than Minden.”
    They say the only good wolf is a dead wolf, If that’s the case than I’ve reformed many a wolf.

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