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Thread: Tragic day in Edmonton

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Tragic day in Edmonton

    Another sad and tragic day for our country's entire LEO community.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Member for Life

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    Terrible. Those "domestic abuse" calls are always open to tragedy.
    My brother was an RCMP officer in Alberta for many years. He had his close calls too.
    " We are more than our gender, skin color, class, sexuality or age; we are unlimited potential, and can not be defined by one label." quote A. Bartlett

  4. #3
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    Sounds like a mother and son domestic and he was only 16 years old, pretty sad all around as she was also shot.

    So now we know its a 16 year old with a handgun that both his grandfather and mother did not know was in the home.

    If ever there was a case to highlight for the lawful gun owners in Canada this is the one IMHO. Ticks off all the boxes...

    (1) This is a DOMESTIC INCIDENT so its high profile for women's groups across the country.

    (2) The 16 year old had mental health issues and the Police had been called there before, so mental health advocates should be on board.

    (3) The firearms was probably an illegally obtained gun, so law abiding citizens and gun owner's should be on board and anti gun owners.

    (4) We have lost two young Police's so support from all the citizens across Canada.

    So here is the perfect case for the law abiding gun owners in Canada to rally around, but nobody seam's to be picking up the ball. How come?

    Just think about it as a lawful gun owner everything the present Liberal Government has said it was trying to do on gun legislation FAILED right here.

    (1) The mother shot was not protected.

    (2) The shooter who committed suicide and had ongoing mental health issues was not protected.

    (3) The general public was not protected.

    (4) The Protectors/Police were not protected.

    So its a very good case to highlight IMHO as to what is not working and a great one for Pierre Poilievre to jump on.

    The only fly in the ointment is that this happened in Alberta and Prime Minister Trudeau can simply turn this right around by saying the Alberta Government is trying to weaken gun laws and this is the likely outcome.

    Last edited by Gilroy; March 18th, 2023 at 12:32 PM.

  5. #4
    Loyal Member

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    There’s still hope for you yet Gilroy!
    They say the only good wolf is a dead wolf, If that’s the case than I’ve reformed many a wolf.

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