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Thread: Rural farm prices gone insane.

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Rural farm prices gone insane.

    I am not a farmer so have no idea what a fellow could make a year of this land, but considering its location and probability of its soil base I very much doubt not a whole lot a year.

    So $6,750.000 for 500 acres an hour East of Ottawa.

    Are their actually people out there that would pay this type of money?

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    Like everything else nowadays, prices have skyrocketted. However, I've never seen or heard of a farmer at a food bank...
    SkyBlue Big Game Blueticks

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post

    I am not a farmer so have no idea what a fellow could make a year of this land, but considering its location and probability of its soil base I very much doubt not a whole lot a year.

    So $6,750.000 for 500 acres an hour East of Ottawa.

    Are their actually people out there that would pay this type of money?
    Development corporations have no problem laying out that kind of cash to hold the property as a land bank knowing that eventually,the land will be all subdivisions worth 100X the initial outlay.

  5. #4
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    My friend down the road sold 60 ac for $900,000.00, comes down to location and what kind of land. He sold his to the farm down the road, he had been renting it to that farmer for 18,000 a year for the past 10 years. Land is also tiled and that can make a difference.

    So tiled farm land around here goes for about 15000.00 / ac

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post

    I am not a farmer so have no idea what a fellow could make a year of this land, but considering its location and probability of its soil base I very much doubt not a whole lot a year.

    So $6,750.000 for 500 acres an hour East of Ottawa.

    Are their actually people out there that would pay this type of money?

  6. #5
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    Land around me has been selling for 30-35K per acre. 3-3.5 million for a hundred acres.

  7. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by trimmer21 View Post
    Development corporations have no problem laying out that kind of cash to hold the property as a land bank knowing that eventually,the land will be all subdivisions worth 100X the initial outlay.
    I agree it won't be bought for farming at this price. Subdivision development is much more lucrative.

  8. #7

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    Right around $10k/acre here along lake Erie for workable land with nothing on it. Starting to seem like a bargain compared to what you guys are posting. Avg rent is about $100/acre or so. So in a mere 100 years your investment can pay itself off.
    Last edited by LowbanksArcher; February 1st, 2023 at 04:13 PM.
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