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Thread: Something different Beaver Castor

  1. #1
    Getting the hang of it

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    Default Something different Beaver Castor

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Leads by example

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    Great job on the video ! The only thing i do different is how I freezer store them. I found that the castors will lose a lot of weight if they get stored in a paper bag in the freezer (-18c freezer at 30% humidity will really desiccate and. “freeze dry” them). This weight loss is substantial if you’re holding them frozen for a long time (eg.1-2 years). Plastic seals in the moisture and prevents freeze dry loss. I put my dry castors into the freezer, then the following day transfer them into thick zip lock bags. They then get removed and air dried for about about three days prior to shipping. As you said, never ship in plastic as the thawed castor will rot and mold if it can’t breath. I like to use a strong waxed cabbage box to ship, so it doesn't get crushed in your shipping bag.
    Great video! I’ve often wondered if there is a Canadian lure maker’s market for dried glands? Seems like there’s good money for this in the US. I’ve sold beaver tails and skulls but would also collect glands if I could find a buyer.

  4. #3
    Leads by example

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    You should give Ofmf permission to use your video for the trapper cert course. This topic is poorly handled in the current manual. Would be a great course addition for the instructors.

  5. #4
    Borderline Spammer

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    Great video Jim.

  6. #5
    Leads by example

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    Hey moderators: this video of Jim’s should be moved to trapping forum and marked as a permanent sticky.

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