December 30th, 2022, 05:15 PM
This monster proves how effective gun control is. He’s had a lifetime firearm ban on him for years
They say the only good wolf is a dead wolf, If that’s the case than I’ve reformed many a wolf.
December 30th, 2022 05:15 PM
January 1st, 2023, 05:32 PM
From what I have read, his body cam showed all that happened , and for one- if not the first time, that camera info will be used in court. His police station had just recently outfitted all Officers with a body cam.
" We are more than our gender, skin color, class, sexuality or age; we are unlimited potential, and can not be defined by one label." quote A. Bartlett
January 1st, 2023, 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by
I don't think you will ever get a penny for your guns, despite what they are claiming.
Heard a little on the radio tonight driving home, the Police Services are telling Trudeau that they do not have the resources to collect guns, but he states the Police will be involved and a possible third party. Last I heard they will be paying compensation.
January 2nd, 2023, 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by
Last I heard they will be paying compensation.
A ctv article today would suggest that too they are pushing for a fair compensation. Will post the article in the banned semi thread tomorrow lol.
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January 2nd, 2023, 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by
Because guns are on the agenda. It doesn't matter what happens they are focused on an agenda and taking firearms out of the publics hands.
End of story it's part of the sdg that they are working on. Easy to pick on the little guys, you are law abiding citizens and a minority. Mandates will push the larger crowds to further the agenda. The Canadian agenda is tied to the un the un is tied to warp speed global resets.
Means you'll have less guns and be happy with the ones they let you keep lol.
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By using the letters sdg are you referring to "Sustainable Development Goal" or do those letters stand for something else? It is best if you use a set of letters to make a point, that after you used them spell out in brackets what they stand for.
You don't stop hunting because you grow old. You grow old because you stop hunting.
- Gun Nut
January 2nd, 2023, 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by
Gun Nut
By using the letters sdg are you referring to "Sustainable Development Goal" or do those letters stand for something else? It is best if you use a set of letters to make a point, that after you used them spell out in brackets what they stand for.
You don't stop hunting because you grow old. You grow old because you stop hunting.
- Gun Nut
Yeah it's a sustainable development goal
Since it is a goal anything that happens will always be used against us all the time.
Now the question is it about safety or a goal for the continued push. A goal would include the latest round of shotgus and rifles since they are not assault military grade style type weapons.
A goal would also use the tactics we are seeing and using a 30 year old cases to demonize them. Guns are bad because 30 years ago that happened is what they got lol.
Using other countries with less gun control and regulations as examples but it's not even close to the same here in Canada. We have rules and regulations that are pretty tight already, and they admitt they are taking from law abiding citizens. Crazy lol. Law abiding citizens imagine that not criminals.
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