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Thread: Deer numbers

  1. #31
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by sabmgb View Post
    I started my deer hunting in the Loring area 50 years ago with my dad and uncle. Haven't hunted up there in about 15 years. Bush is probably getting to old and needs to be logged or burned.
    Yup, bush is getting old.
    "What calm deer hunter's heart has not skipped a beat when the stillness of a cold November morning is broken by the echoes of hounds tonguing yonder?" -Anonymous-

  2. # ADS

  3. #32

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    Way up!! 22 has been by far the best season in a long time. Deer are there. They aren’t just going to come out and die. Ones gotta know how to hunt. Patterns change, morning and afternoon spots, habitat improvement, travel routes etc. sure you’ll see some setting up on field edges but you gotta get in with them and where they live

  4. #33
    Needs a new keyboard

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    In 92D the numbers are as strong as ever. Deer, in numbers, are seen all year long. Only thing different was buck sightings were down compared to other years, although I think it was because of the timing of the hunt.
    "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy." Ernest Benn

  5. #34
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by marky.mark View Post
    W.... They aren’t just going to come out and die. Ones gotta know how to hunt. e
    Good on You and your group....sure big change in approach to "everything" compared to few years back............
    Last edited by gbk; December 24th, 2022 at 06:24 AM.

  6. #35

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    Quote Originally Posted by ninepointer View Post
    Loring area and the surrounding areas the Loring Yard supported have still not recovered from the 2013, 2014 & 2016 winters.
    53a is about the same as the last few years but no where near where it was.
    Gun control:Criminals who ignore laws against rape, torture, kidnapping, theft, and murder, will obey a law that prohibits them from owning a firearm while disarming decent people from having access to firearms to deter criminals.

  7. #36
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    On a side note, wolf numbers are down,where we hunt, they were bad 3 years ago but we shot a bunch of them. Moose numbers are up, bear numbers are way up, grouse numbers are really high, and there seem to be some elk that have moved in.
    They say the only good wolf is a dead wolf, If that’s the case than I’ve reformed many a wolf.

  8. #37
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    Sam you are correct lots of good memories and some you just can't talk about. My 1st deer there I was 15, a monster 10pnt buck, dad took me to Port to the bar on the hill and had my first beer. Everyone in there wanted to buy me a beer, but couldn't drink that much

  9. #38
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    In 82a I hunt a large crown land forest. I have an odd deer on camera but the numbers seem way down compared to 8 years ago when I moved here. Opening day shots seem about half the number and there were a lot of guys out for both bow and ML so tags were unfilled. I used to see nobody for ML in public land when there were good deer numbers. Coyote sign is abundant and they seem to be right next to any deer tracks which suggests the coyote pressure is constant on the deer. I bet the days of 100% doe tags is over soon.

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