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Thread: Gardening

  1. #141
    Member for Life

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    So Now that I have planted 5 Blue berry plants, 3 Haskap spent the time planting them fertilizing them etc. I am worried about mice come winter especially if we get a lot of snow. Any DIY ideas or just Moth balls (Napthalene Balls) to keep them away. The price of Moth balls is huge, think the last time I bought them 20 years ago they were like a buck or two for like a litre of them now their 15 bucks if you can find them. Not really sure how to apply them either I guess some before the snow and some after every major snow fall.??
    "This is about unenforceable registration of weapons that violates the rights of people to own firearms."—Premier Ralph Klein (Alberta)Calgary Herald, 1998 October 9 (November 1, 1942 – March 29, 2013) OFAH Member

  2. # ADS

  3. #142
    Leads by example

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    I’ve never had considerable mouse damage on my trees and shrubs. Is it worth wrapping the trunks in burlap?
    I came across these in CT but I’ve never used them.


  4. #143
    Member for Life

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    I'm going to stop and get some. I have also been trying to come up with something simple to put a net over my plants for when they start to produce. I want it high enough so I don't have to crunch over to much. I have some netting from Old trampolines. Just need to rig up some sort stand or trellis like things to keep it up.
    "This is about unenforceable registration of weapons that violates the rights of people to own firearms."—Premier Ralph Klein (Alberta)Calgary Herald, 1998 October 9 (November 1, 1942 – March 29, 2013) OFAH Member

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