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Thread: Apple Picking Time

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Apple Picking Time

    My wife and I went on a back roads tour this past weekend to scout out our favorite apple trees. Made some phone calls to a few farmers for permission where the trees are located, and this weekend we'll be going out to pick. These aren't deer apples were getting, they're for pies and applesauce, though someday I might try my hand at building a press for making cider.
    The pics attached show the picker I made a few years ago. (ya, I know you can buy them, but I'm cheap) I use the handle from a sno-rake, which is made of light aluminum poles that insert together (3 pieces) It works slick for getting up to get those nice ripe apples that always seem to be out of reach at the top of the tree.


  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Nice job

  4. #3
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Cool, great idea, well done.
    "Only dead fish go with the flow."
    Proud Member: CCFR, CSSA, OFAH, NFA.

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