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Thread: Growing Blueberry plants

  1. #21
    Member for Life

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    How far did you dig down and how far apart would you recommend planting?

  2. # ADS

  3. #22
    Needs a new keyboard

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    This is interesting, having so much blueberries growing in the wild around here, I never thought people would grow them. That’s cool, blueberries are awesome.
    Good luck with your plants
    "Only dead fish go with the flow."
    Proud Member: CCFR, CSSA, OFAH, NFA.

  4. #23
    Leads by example

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    Any updates GW?

    This weather has been so slow inconsistent it has the garden confused. Most of my heat loving veggies are struggling, but berries and fruit seem to be doing fine.

    If the birds don’t beat me to it, this should be a bumper crop of blueberries.
    Got a couple early ones already ripening.

  5. #24
    Member for Life

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    Well they are growing not a lot of growth but the branches on the Haskap have grown quite well and the Blueberries have grown more, but I have found in the past that shrubs take the first year to get established.

    I do hope the mice don't hurt them come fall, I might put some moth balls around them before the snow comes this winter.

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