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Thread: She must be getting close

  1. #1
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Default She must be getting close

    Finsfurfeathers started a tread a while back to be on the lookout for rabbit nests. Well as it goes I spotted a rabbit in my raised gardens this past weekend. They're 2 feet high and a rabbit can manage to jump that high. I watched her as she went from one to the next checking things out and then left. I watered the plants yesterday and saw an indentation in amongst my geen onions which were left in the raised bed over the winter to get bigger this summer which they have. I went back this afternoon and sure enough she started putting nesting material where she dug it out yesterday...

    I had, more than likely the same doe have a litter in there last year but later than this. She had the nest in amongst my yellow beans. They haven't matured enough to offer enough cover for the young as of yet and thats why she chose the green onions. There tall and tight together..

    Amazing how smart these critters can be. Her young will be two feet off the ground and away from most predators...
    SkyBlue Big Game Blueticks

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Leads by example

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    After 3 weeks, they’ve emerged from the nest here. They’re just hanging out in my raspberries and grapes.


  4. #3
    Needs a new keyboard

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    We have had 2 litters already, mama bunny dug a hole in the middle of the lawn silly bunny. Had to put a garbage can over the hole to mow the grass. Found one by accident this afternoon. IMG_20220622_180454.jpg

  5. #4
    Borderline Spammer

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    Found a new built nest right beside the AC unit yesterday with no bunnies in it yet.

  6. #5
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Checked it out today and doesn't look like it's been touched since yesterday.
    SkyBlue Big Game Blueticks

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