June 7th, 2022, 10:47 PM
Battery Isssue
Went to have a quick ride today as its gone feim the 30s to 50 degrees today. Havent ridden in about two to three weeks and the bike was sitting without a battery tender in a garage that was not heated but probably in the high 30s.
Pushed the red button down and the screen started flipping out, flashing all kinds of colors and lights. Starter wouldnt even turn and no sound of fuel pump on pusing the red button down.
Took the battery in to get it tested and the guy said ut was ar 6.2 volts!
The only things on the bike that woukd draw power are a batttery tender lead, usb port and grip warmers that are attached to the battery, both installed by the dealer.
When the bike is off woukd the warmers or usb draw a charge? The grips certainly dont keep heating with the power off.
He said the battery shouldnt discharge that much unless something is still drawing power when its off.
Needless to say i had to buy a new battery and now it starts right up. Its now plugged in to the tender jr.
June 7th, 2022 10:47 PM
June 8th, 2022, 04:49 AM
My radio draws the battery down after a week. I unplugged it.
June 8th, 2022, 12:32 PM
The heated grips on my buddy's Arctic Crap stay on even with the key off installed by a mechanic.
June 8th, 2022, 01:23 PM
A battery tender is way cheaper then a new battery, that’s for sure. Anything with e-start has a tender pig-tail in my garage.
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June 9th, 2022, 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by
The heated grips on my buddy's Arctic Crap stay on even with the key off installed by a mechanic.
Needs to find a real mechanic that knows how to install them. Accessories should all be be on the dead side of the ignition switch so when it's turned off, there,s no power to anything.
June 9th, 2022, 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by
Needs to find a real mechanic that knows how to install them. Accessories should all be be on the dead side of the ignition switch so when it's turned off, there,s no power to anything.
I know that, now he does too. lol He just bought it and found out the hard way.
June 9th, 2022, 03:43 PM
To determine if there is a load on the battery with the key off you will need to attach a multimeter (set to volts) to the battery with it disconnected and then again with the battery connected to the bike (no tender connected during this test). If there is a difference that is your load. However, lead acid batteries will die after only 3-4 full discharges which can occur over sitting during the winter and it sounds like this may have happened.
National Association for Search and Rescue
October 18th, 2022, 10:13 AM
Short answer is yes
Sitting idle in the garage your bike will draw the battery down