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Thread: CCFR Radio

  1. #91
    Has too much time on their hands

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    CCFR Radio - Ep 115: 90% Good News Podcast! Actual Court Case Update, Alberta CFO Sides w\Gun Owners

    Watch here:
    A podcast loaded with good news, for a change!
    • Previously missed court case update,
    • Alberta CFO calls for ending of the gun ban,
    • Ontario Liberal's say they will ban handguns in Ontario (* dishonest comments about the law abiding)
    • the ultimate range day by Tracey Wilson and more!

    Link to Lawsuit Court Schedule:

    More info:

    By mail:
    Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights
    P.O. Box 91572 RPO Mer Bleu
    Orleans, Ontario K1W 0A6

    CCFR on Minds

    Join Close CCFR group on Minds

    CCFR on Rumble

    Range Day:

    CCFR is now on Wild TV
    Last edited by mosquito; April 22nd, 2022 at 08:19 PM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #92
    Has too much time on their hands

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    CCFR on Minds.... and a clip we should all remember.

    and from the latest weekly update:

    SECU releases report on gun & gang study

    Despite every credible expert at committee testifying to the contrary, the gun ban, mandatory buyback, and even more regulation against legal gun owners is on the horizon as the Liberal/NDP/Bloq majority committee release their report.

    While the report contained a number of recommendations that we support, it also contained many things that we fully oppose.

    We have summarized some of the most concerning recommendations found in the report for you here:

    Possibly limit number of guns that can be owned ✘
    Implement a mandatory buyback for gun ban ✘
    Study UK and Australian models for gun confiscation programs ✘
    Review import, sale, manufacture, and distribution of magazines capable of being modified ✘
    Amend legislation to require PAL to purchase mags ✘
    Regulate the sale of parts like barrels, trigger assemblies, slides etc ✘
    Amend the Firearms Act to define a firearm to include “blank castings of frames or receivers not yet capable of holding various firing components” ✘
    Amend regulations to require a seller to provide buyer data to the registrar for purchases
    Table legislation immediately to adopt all above measures ✘

    Mandatory buy backs, supported by Bloc.... Wendy Cuckoo comments.... NDP call to decriminalize drugs.

    The one honest response.

  4. #93
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Tracey Wilson is live, in studio!

    The firearm registration portion of Bill C-71 is coming into force next week.
    Check out Rod’s Mass casualty Committee presentation
    & much more.

    Link to the CCFR's MCC Submission:

    Link to Lawsuit Court Schedule (to be updated April 26):
    Last edited by finsfurfeathers; June 25th, 2022 at 11:30 AM. Reason: 6

  5. #94
    Has too much time on their hands

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    CCFR Radio - Ep 117: Details of New Long Gun Registry, Cadex Defense Interview & More
    • you need to know about the NDP\Liberal Government’s new long gun registry,
    • Charest campaign is accused of Liberal voter packing!
    • Polysesouvient goes crazy and labels bolt-action gun maker an assault weapon manufacturer.

    NOTE: Cadex attacked for being BOLT-ACTION CANADIAN FIREARM MAKER .... think they only want to ban semis? NOPE!

    Our TV Show CCFR Radio on WildTV is over!

    Link to the CCFR's MCC Submission:

    Link to Lawsuit Court Schedule (to be updated April 26):
    Last edited by finsfurfeathers; June 25th, 2022 at 11:31 AM. Reason: 7

  6. #95
    Has too much time on their hands

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    In Ottawa yesterday evening, using the prestigious Chateau Laurier hotel as a backdrop, Justin Trudeau gathered a group of anti gun activists and Liberal Ministers to deliver a massive sucker punch to the Canadians firearm community and industry. The usual smug non-answers followed the press conference as journalists tried to make sense of the outright assault on legal handgun owners.

    So what's in the bill? Let's review:

    Handgun "Freeze": Rather than opting for the provincial or municipal handgun bans he promised in a variety of election campaigns, Trudeau announced a "freeze" on the sale, transfer, import and buying of legal handguns in Canada.

    The Federal Liberals state they hope to have this in place by the fall of 2022, but it needs to follow the democratic process. In the meantime, we suggest that you go handgun shopping immediately.

    If you are having trouble finding stock of the model(s) you are interested in, consider using our Business Member Directory to find retailers you may not be aware of.

    The far-reaching implications of this is that we are one generation away from the end of handgun sports. IPSC, IDPA, Cowboy Action, many other dynamic shooting genres will die with us. The next generation, nor any new shooters, will ever be able to buy a handgun for sport shooting if this receives royal assent.

    The old Bill C-21 brought back: most of the legislation seems to be a rebirth of the old C-21 from the last parliamentary session, minus the provision for a provincial handgun ban (for obvious reasons), and the codifying of the mandatory "buyback" for the guns banned back in May of 2020.

    Domestic Violence: A new provision added makes anyone who has a restraining order against them, or a domestic violence charge, unable to acquire a PAL, and those who already have them will have it revoked. I think all Canadians can agree, we don't want violent abusers to have guns, but without clarification on qualifiers, this measure is easily open to abuse. Watch for more on this at the committee stage.

    Evergreening of Classifications: The new C-21 has a built-in provision that will make it very difficult for future government's to reclassify prohibited firearms. Of course, nothing is impossible, but it will require a great deal of encouragement. Restricted certificates would also "expire" upon reclassification of firearms, denying gun owners the opportunity for a Section 74 challenge.

    Mag dump: Minister Mendicino said that he will be tabling regulations to ensure that no long gun magazine can ever accommodate more than the legal limit of cartridges, regardless of caliber or action. They've also added a new criminal code offence for modifying a magazine - solving a problem that doesn't exist.

    Red/Yellow Flags: Again, another set of measures that already exist. Law Enforcement has the full weight of their power to seize and remove firearms already, but this appeases a group of under-informed women's groups and anti gun lobbyists.

    Airsoft Ban: We were almost surprised to see the resurrection of airsoft bans brought back into the new C-21. This has nothing to do with public safety, and everything to do with ideology. Liberals obviously don't want people "playing" gun related games. They are attacking our culture at every level.

    The CCFR will vigorously oppose this bill.

    Watch the Liberal's press conference here:

    Read the full text of Bill C-21 here:

    Read our media release on C-21 here

    Ottawa, May 30, 2022
    The Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR) offers the following comments on the Liberal Government's
    revised bill C-21.
    National "Freeze" on Handguns :
    The Liberal's focus on banning firearms from exclusively (licensed) firearm owners is divisive and unproductive.
    This measure divides Canadians by implying that firearm-related violence originates from licensed handgun
    owners, and the solution is to ban (only) their firearms. Licenced firearm owners are responsible for virtually no
    handgun-related violence in urban centers or rural communities. Though, this is the solution the current
    government is selling to the public. Criminals and smugglers will continue their activities undeterred. Chief of
    Police James Ramer and Acting Deputy Chief Myron Demkiw of the Toronto Police Service declared licensed gun
    owners as a non-issue in Toronto's handgun problem. This is an unfair targeting of precisely the wrong people.
    New Red & Yellow Flag Provisions :
    The CCFR does not oppose any regulation that has a demonstrable benefit to public safety and places
    responsibility for criminal acts on criminals. The New Red and Yellow Flag provisions are likely redundant as these
    types of laws already exist. The CCFR is concerned about abuse of these laws and looks forward to learning more
    about how they are to be implemented.
    Expanded Licence Révocation :
    The CCFR does not oppose these measures granted there are safeguards to prevent misuse of these provisions
    against a potentially innocent gun owner.
    Trafficking and Smuggling Provisions :
    Increasing the maximum penalty for trafficking is meaningless. We are not aware that the current maximum of 10
    years is being placed on anyone convicted of this offence as it is. In fact, the Liberal government has made it
    easier for the crown to request even lighter sentences for serious gun crimes via their shameful Bill C-75 (2019)
    and C-22 (2021) and C-5 (2022). The proposed magazine provision is an aimless duplication of the existing
    regulation on over capacity magazines.
    Prohibition of Mid-Velocity Airguns :
    This is a provision to prohibit airsoft and paintball guns. This provision is absurd. If the concern is potential
    confusion with real firearms, a modest national education campaign in concert with industry would solve this
    problem. The absolute last measure is to use government force to ban property from citizens. This is clearly the
    Liberal's first choice. The CCFR believes that this provision is irresponsible and immoral.

    Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights

    P.O. Box 91572 RPO Mer Bleue | Orleans, ON | K1W 0A6 | 1-844-243-2237

    Conclusion :
    While the CCFR acknowledges there may be valuable provisions in Bill C-21, we are concerned about privacy
    issues and misuse. Other aspects of the bill should be objectionable to most Canadians whether they own
    firearms or not. The handgun ban, clearly targets the wrong people and shows a distinct contempt for roughly
    650,000 Canadians who maintain their licenses, comply with regulations, and own and use their firearm
    responsibly. The ban should offend victims as it will do nothing to stop the violence that concerns every Canadian.
    We suggest this bill is a result of political calculation, for these reasons the CCFR will vigorously oppose this bill.
    Media Inquiries :
    Rod Giltaca
    CEO & Executive Director
    [email protected]
    Tracey Wilson
    Vice President, Public Relations
    [email protected]
    Last edited by mosquito; May 31st, 2022 at 07:43 AM.

  7. #96
    Has too much time on their hands

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    What You Need to Know About the "Freeze" on Handguns
    Last edited by finsfurfeathers; June 25th, 2022 at 07:49 AM. Reason: 5

  8. #97
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Listen, learn, support the fight!

    CCFR Radio - Ep 118: Dangerous Liberal Propaganda, Handgun “Freeze”, Bill C-21, What to Do

    The Liberals have gone way to far and their irresponsible propaganda is getting dangerous. (* See Trudeau lie again)
    * New OICs including magazine capacity, storage requirements change and possibly UN numbering (all 3 listed)

    C-21 including airsoft ban

    300 to 400 new firearms to be added to the OIC list.

    More information on the handgun “freeze” and concerning elements of the new and uglier Bill C-21.

    Link to Lawsuit Court Schedule (to be updated April 26):
    Last edited by finsfurfeathers; June 25th, 2022 at 07:49 AM. Reason: 4

  9. #98
    Has too much time on their hands

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    See Justin Trudeau's actions for what they really are. Share this video everywhere and support the CCFR to keep up the fight!!
    Last edited by finsfurfeathers; June 25th, 2022 at 07:48 AM. Reason: 3

  10. #99
    Has too much time on their hands

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    CCFR Radio - Ep 119: Battle for Handguns Continue – Who’s fighting for you?

    Yet more crazy days in Canada regarding legal gun ownership.
    Rod & Tracey cover all the latest news with an important message from Rod at the end.

    Link to Lawsuit Court Schedule (to be updated April 26):
    Last edited by finsfurfeathers; June 25th, 2022 at 07:48 AM. Reason: spam 2

  11. #100
    Has too much time on their hands

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    CCFR Radio - Ep 120: Massive Liberal\RCMP Scandal, Political Agenda Over Canadian Lives

    Watch here:

    One of the biggest Liberal Party scandals ever, facilitated by Brenda Lucki, Commissioner of the RCMP. Trudeau, Bill Blair, and Brenda Lucki all prioritized their political agenda over the lives of Canadians by jeopardizing the Nova Scotia investigation to take away legal guns.
    The details are shocking. SHARE THIS PODCAST!

    Original story:

    Link to Lawsuit Court Schedule (to be updated April 26):
    Last edited by finsfurfeathers; June 25th, 2022 at 07:48 AM. Reason: spam 1

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